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तक होना Meaning in English

तक होना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : to be
, go up to

तक-होना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

And Judah told how he had become surety for the lad, and thus asked Joseph to allow him to remain a bondman to Joseph instead of the lad, for how could he go up to his father if the lad was not with him? Joseph could no longer control his emotions and ordered everyone but his brothers to leave the room.

Each player can go up to the surface to take air as many times needed, except when he has the football in his hand.

Staircases from each platform go up to a crossover, where a turnstile bank provides access to and from the station.

In August 2009 it was reported that the submarine would undergo up to six trials before being commissioned but the problem with the Bulava missile could delay it even more.

Lee also criticised the government's policies by stating that "[t]hey, the Malay, have the right as Malaysian citizens to go up to the level of training and education that the more competitive societies, the non-Malay society, has produced.

Outdoor Education "Camps" start at 2 days and go up to 10 days for Year 10.

The annual rate of pay for a baseline Assistant Secretary is pitched at Point 27 of the Master Pay Scale ('78,310 (USD) or '610,800 (HKD)) and will go up to Point 49 of the Master Pay Scale ($191,200 (USD) or $1,491,360 (HKD)).

hamirpur experiences Short Warm summers from late April to June when temperature may go up to 41"nbsp;°C, and cool winters from mid October to April having as low as 1"nbsp;°C .

The ones on the Manhattan-bound side go up to either northern corners of Graham and Metropolitan Avenues while the ones on the Canarsie-bound side go up to either southern corners.

The group decides they will leave the next morning, though Rex and Emma go up to the roof to set off a flare.

Only those with a good attendance were allowed to go up to the gallery to sing.

Down to their final out, and Lou about to go up to bat, he tells Billy that he has asked Jenny to marry him, and that her reply was "Ask Billy".

A game starts with having 3 red flags and 3 blue flags in each level, but will go up to 6 flags of each color in higher levels.

तक-होना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

• अंग्रेजी भाषा कौशल IELTS 6 तक होना चाहिए - 'सक्षम उपयोक्ता' या ऊपर.।

"" देवेन्द्र इन्द्र का अच्छा नर्तक होना- तथा स्वर्ग में अप्सराओं के अनवरत नृत्य की धारणा से हम भारतीयों के प्राचीन काल से नृत्य से जुड़ाव की ओर ही संकेत करता है।

तक्षशिला विश्वविद्यालय से स्नातक होना उस समय अत्यंत गौरवपूर्ण माना जाता था।

असुर अपने गुरु शुक्राचार्य के रहते देवगुरु के उपदेश को क्यों आदर देंगे? अत: देवगुरु से अतिरिक्त कोई चार्वाक दर्शन का प्रवर्त्तक होना अपेक्षित है।

छत, धरन (बीम, beam) इत्यादि में अवपात 1ह इंच से 2 इंच तक होना चाहिए।

इस खतरनाक रोग को जल्दी ही पसीने की बीमारी के रूप में जाना जाने लगा. इसे प्लेग, जिसे पूर्व में मारक बुखार या अन्य महामारी के रूप में जाना जाता था, से भिन्न माना जाता है, इसे इसका नाम केवल विशिष्ट लक्षणों के कारण नहीं मिला, बल्कि इसका अत्यधिक तेज़ी से फैलना और घातक होना भी एक कारण है।

तब कुंडली, सोनीपत के पास राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग १ से १३५.६ किमी के नियंत्रित चार लेन एक्सप्रेसवे का निर्माण बिल्ड ऑपरेट ट्रांसफर (बीओटी) प्रोजेक्ट के रूप में फरीदाबाद के पास पलवल में राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग २ तक होना प्रस्तावित था।

इस नस्ल के लिए एकेसी की मानक ऊंचाई (उनके वेबसाइट के मुताबिक) पुलिंगों के लिए के कंधे तक और स्त्रीलिंगों के लिए (न्यूनतम) के कंधे तक होना चाहिए।

तड़ित्संवाहक 1/4 इंच मोटी ताँबे की छड़ का तथा संवातक के उच्चतम भाग से 18 इंच ऊपर तक होना चाहिए।

गुफा के मुहाने की चौड़ाई १०० मीटर से २५२ मीटर तक मापी गई है और इसकी गहराई ७३ मीटर से ९६ मीटर तक होना मानी गयी है।

ग्रामीण विकास डिप्लोमा पाठ्यक्रम में दाखिला लेने के लिए उम्मीदवार का स्नातक होना अनिवार्य है।

आम तौर से चौड़ाई ऊँचाई से ड्योढ़ी हो और दीवार की सतह पर इनका क्षेत्रफल सारे क्षेत्रफल के श्तक होना चाहिए।

"" इस खतरनाक रोग को जल्दी ही पसीने की बीमारी के रूप में जाना जाने लगा. इसे प्लेग, जिसे पूर्व में मारक बुखार या अन्य महामारी के रूप में जाना जाता था, से भिन्न माना जाता है, इसे इसका नाम केवल विशिष्ट लक्षणों के कारण नहीं मिला, बल्कि इसका अत्यधिक तेज़ी से फैलना और घातक होना भी एक कारण है।

तक-होना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Initially has much scope for improvement but comes to be widely used across the economy.

The Hohenzollerns' territory in Franconia was divided between his sons, John III and Frederick VI, later to be the Elector of Brandenburg, in accordance with the Dispositio Fridericiana of 1385.

These would all come to bear upon Chávez's thinking, eventually stoking plans for a 1992 coup d'état, seeking the overthrow of Venezuela's government.

Chávez's mother wanted him to become a Catholic priest, and so he was made to serve as an altar boy for one year.

Specifically, Chávez was offended by what he saw as his church's portrayal of Jesus as "an idiot" and not, as Chávez considered Jesus to be, "a rebel".

Although the majority of children in the region where he grew up never pursued higher studies, Chávez proved to be one of the exceptions.

One of his childhood dreams was to become a pitcher for the San Francisco Giants, following in the footsteps of his childhood hero, Venezuelan pitcher Isaías "Látigo" Chávez (no relation).

In early 1975, newspapers reported that the California Golden Seals and Pittsburgh Penguins were to be relocated to Denver and Seattle respectively, in an arrangement that would have seen the two teams sold to groups in those cities that had already been awarded "conditional" franchises for the 1976–77 season.

The Penguins ended up staying in Pittsburgh (and ultimately, over time, made Pittsburgh one of the NHL's stronger markets), while the Golden Seals would move to Cleveland in 1976 to become the Cleveland Barons before merging with the Minnesota North Stars in 1978.

The Scouts gave up on Kansas City after two seasons and moved to Denver to become the Colorado Rockies in 1976 before moving east to East Rutherford, New Jersey in 1982 and becoming the New Jersey Devils; Denver would return to the NHL in 1995 when the Quebec Nordiques moved there and became the Colorado Avalanche, where they remain to this day.

Seattle would be again awarded an expansion team, the Seattle Kraken, in 2018 to begin play in 2021.

Using nitrogen triiodide as an example again, its pyramidal shape forces the three iodine atoms to be incredibly close to each other.

Though some flash powders are too volatile and dangerous to be safely used, there are milder compounds that are still incorporated into performances today.

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