सुपरकार्गो Meaning in English
सुपरकार्गो शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : supercargo
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सुपरकार्गो इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The foreign agents were known at the time as "supercargos" in English and as daban () in Chinese.
A private captain might be his own supercargo; a large East Indiamen might have five or more, which were ranked "chief supercargo", "2nd supercargo", and so on.
A team of supercargos divided their work, some overseeing sales, others tea purchases, silk purchases, and so forth.
Permanent supercargos might divide their work by the order ships arrived.
For the most part, the supercargos, their assistants, and the bookkeepers stayed at the factories, the crew—except for a few guards or those on shore leave—stayed with the ships, and the captains continued to ferry between the two.
A Chinese comprador hired each factory's staff of Chinese servants and bought its provisions from local vendors; senior supercargos sometimes brought their own staff or slaves as well.
At first the supercargos came and left with the ships, but over the course of the 18th century companies began to rent their factory spaces year-round to avoid being displaced on their return.
The supercargos were then permitted to outstay their company's ships a few weeks to conduct business for the next season; after that, they were obliged to remove themselves to Macao through the spring and summer until the appearance of the next ship.
By the 1760s, every East India company had permanent supercargos and rooms were being rented in Macao year-round as well.
Subsequently, the British and Americans typically always had ships anchored off Pazhou, allowing them to keep their supercargos and staff in the Guangzhou factories all year.
(In practice, senior supercargos tended to prefer Macao during the summer regardless and to send their junior officers to deal with off-season trade.
The Chong monopoly and supercargoes.
Smith—the American trade was conducted through the use of supercargoes.