सुंडे Meaning in English
सुंडे शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sunde
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सनडायल ल्यूपिन
धूप में सुखाया हुआ
धूप में सुखाई हुई ईट
सूरजमुखी का फूल
सुंडे इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Other names in politics which could be regarded as gag names include John Boehner, Harry Baals, Dick Armey, and Tiny Kox (although Boehner's surname is properly pronounced "bay-ner", it is often misunderstood as "boner").
This is parodied in the Austin Powers series of spoofs on the spy genre; International Man of Mystery features a villain named "Alotta Fagina", who must repeat her name several times because Austin misunderstands it.
MacDonald did not move for 48 hours due to Marshal Michael Ney's misunderstanding of Napoleon's summon of Ney to Görlitz as referring to his entire three-division-strong III Corps.
His Greek name is possibly a misunderstanding of the honorific title hazaraft.
The 2003 FatCat reissue cleared up this misunderstanding by numbering the songs and leaving a blank space for track #3.
Translation : In order to avoid misunderstandings and cumbersome circumlocutions, the presenter proposes to designate as "enzymes" the unformed or not organized ferments, whose action can occur without the presence of organisms and outside of the same.
Mawson's winning design was initially designed incorrectly for the neighbouring field, the site of the then Newport and Monmouthshire Hospital, after Mawson misunderstood directions on his first visit to Newport.
The importance of battle of Khresili is often misunderstood and greatly underestimated.
This therefore would mean that your reception of the information could be misunderstood as your reception of the information has been interfered with, meaning you may not receive the message in the way the sender is implying.
This includes a number of misunderstandings, prejudice on the part of the Spaniards, and ultimately open war.
Since GBK superseded GB 2312 long ago, these two terms have also become virtually equivalent to many users, so "Windows-936", "GBK" and "GB 2312" are misunderstood by many to mean the same thing while they actually differ significantly.
Complex question techniques may reduce social-desirability bias, but may also be confusing or misunderstood by respondents.