सनडायल्स Meaning in English
सनडायल्स शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sundials
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सनडायल्स इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Civil parishes in Herefordshire Gnomonics (from the ancient Greek word γνώμων, , meaning 'interpreter, discerner') is the study of the design, construction and use of sundials.
Several methods, both graphical and analytical, were published in books which allowed the creation of sundials of greater or lesser precision to be placed on buildings and in gardens.
He wrote a number of books and pamphlets: a book on stoves, on making sundials, on using a "sector" or "proportional instrument" (a simple calculator), and on using "Napier's bones" (another calculator) -- among other works.
John Smith (1807–1895), of Bielby, was a maker of sundials and "a remarkable man in his way".
The sundials in Kew Gardens and Hampton Court Gardens, both circa 1680, London.
It was restored in 1870; during restoration were found two Saxon sundials that were incorporated into the south porch.
Muslims made several important improvements to the theory and construction of sundials, which they inherited from their Indian and Greek predecessors.
Cockrell Sundial opened in 1989 and is one of the world's largest sundials.