समयानुकूल करने वाला Meaning in English
समयानुकूल करने वाला शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : time-consuming
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
समय की गणना करने की शैलीटाइमकीपर
कालातीत हो जाना
कालातीत हो गया
उचित समय पर होनेवाला
समय पर
समय में सहमत करनेवाला
यथाकाल व्यवस्था
समयानुकूल-करने-वाला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
He served as a Bailie and Magistrate in the city for two years – something which he found particularly time-consuming and onerous.
They can also draw up to level, tram-like platforms that allow for easier boarding, and give access to passengers dependent on wheelchairs without requiring the time-consuming deployment of ramps or 'kneeling' systems.
Final checking: Since errors are expensive, time-consuming and hard to spot, extensive error checking is the rule, making sure the mapping to logic was done correctly, and checking that the manufacturing rules were followed faithfully.
Because individual, usually passive, resistance to group demands occurs, Japanese leaders have found the creation of a strong community sense to be a difficult and time-consuming task.
In it he aimed to eliminate the myth that French cuisine is difficult and time-consuming to prepare.
In these countries, it is often regarded as effective, cheap and pragmatic, which is opposite the viewpoint held by the therapeutic community in the United States, where the method is regarded as too time-consuming considering that there are other alternatives in such situations.
But the process is time-consuming and slow, and very few disputed works have been found in public collections.
" The most time-consuming gore sequence involved a character's head being crushed by a section of a church.
Even when they can do the sums, the transaction costs are high: it is a time-consuming chore for someone to identify the best energy-saving equipment, buy it and get it installed.
Sienkiewicz's detailed artwork was time-consuming to produce.
This work, published in 1864, was time-consuming and expensive and publication was delayed for 12 years.
Inland ports can improve the movement of imports and exports, moving the time-consuming sorting and processing of containers inland, away from congested seaports.