टाइमकीपिंग Meaning in English
टाइमकीपिंग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : timekeeping
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
कालातीत हो जानाकालातीत हो गया
उचित समय पर होनेवाला
समय पर
समय में सहमत करनेवाला
यथाकाल व्यवस्था
निश्चित समय पर फटने वाला बम
नियत समय पर फूटने वाला बम
टाइमकीपिंग हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
3102 ईसा पूर्व (-3101 सीई) में कलियुगशुरू होते ही टाइमकीपिंग शुरू हुई।
उन्हें अलंकरण के लिए गहने और सस्ता माल के रूप में बना दिया गया था, जो उनके ठीक अलंकरण, असामान्य आकार या पेचीदा तंत्र के लिए मूल्यवान था, और सटीक टाइमकीपिंग बहुत नाबालिग महत्व का था।
"" उन्हें अलंकरण के लिए गहने और सस्ता माल के रूप में बना दिया गया था, जो उनके ठीक अलंकरण, असामान्य आकार या पेचीदा तंत्र के लिए मूल्यवान था, और सटीक टाइमकीपिंग बहुत नाबालिग महत्व का था।
घड़ियों को छोटा और पोर्टेबल बनाने की कोशिश हमेशा घड़ी बनाने वालों के लिए एक चुनौती थी, पीटर हेनलेइन पोर्टेबल घड़ियों के आविष्कारक नहीं हैं, बल्कि पहनने योग्य घड़ी समय जो माप सके, अपने समय की सबसे छोटी व्यक्तिगत टाइमकीपिंग डिवाइस है।
टाइमकीपिंग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Traditional timekeeping is done with a gong and 100 stones: The stones are thrown against the gong to keep time.
Intercalation (timekeeping), insertion of a leap day, week or month into some calendar years to make the calendar follow the seasons.
The calendar era remained in use in India and Southeast Asia throughout the medieval period, the main alternative era in traditional Hindu timekeeping being the Vikram Samvat era (56 BC).
The purpose of the clock was to provide the accuracy of nuclear timekeeping to better synchronize digital recording equipment in the studio, but at a lower cost than the typical cesium clocks such as those used in military and aviation applications.
Over the years, Doxa gained in size and branched out into other timekeeping markets.
In addition to rallying and rally raids, there are other off-road races that are very similar to enduros but that vary in that they are not necessarily timekeeping events and in that they are often sanctioned by other bodies than the primary enduro sanctioning bodies.
Superman wakes from a coma in what seems the third day (by biblical timekeeping), mirroring Jesus' awakening on the third day after crucifixion.
Precision timekeeping .
Upāli's lineage has gained scholarly attention because of their way of timekeeping, known by modern scholars as the "dotted record".
He and Moloney stayed up for three days without sleep during the protracted mixing phase, making tape loops in an attempt to fix the band's poor timekeeping.
They were made as jewelry and novelties for the nobility, valued for their fine ornamentation, unusual shape, or intriguing mechanism, and accurate timekeeping was of very minor importance.
The timekeeping mechanism in these early pocketwatches was the same one used in clocks, invented in the 13th century; the verge escapement which drove a foliot, a dumbbell shaped bar with weights on the ends, to oscillate back and forth.
The rate of all timekeeping mechanisms is affected by changes in their drive force, but the primitive verge and foliot mechanism was especially sensitive to these changes, so early watches slowed down during their running period as the mainspring ran down.