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समय चूक Meaning in English

समय चूक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : time lapse

समय-चूक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

verse 15 seems odd after verse 14, since the latter presupposes a considerable time lapse.

The Nikon MT-1 intervalometer allowed completely untended time lapse photography.

Drive modes include 10-second self-timer, 2-second delay (in the absence of remote shutter release), first burst, last burst, 3-shot exposure bracketing, 5-shot exposure bracketing, time lapse.

These are all three parts of the Interference documentary from the 1992 Achtung Baby video release, a 75-second video of war-themed warning drills and a time lapse video of the Zoo TV stage being constructed and destructed over the band's song "Some Days are Better than Others".

" For Varda, digital cameras and editing equipment are simply tools that enable her to film by herself and to get closer to people "and to collapse the time lapse between wanting to film something and actually being able to do it.

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