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बाहर समय Meaning in English

बाहर समय शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : time out

बाहर-समय हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

समय जीवन का एक आनिवार्य घटक है तथा कार्य के दौरान तथा बाहर समय का प्रबंधन अत्यंत आवश्यक है।

"" अपने भाई उदय शंकर के नृत्य दल के साथ भारत और भारत से बाहर समय गुजारने वाले रविशंकर ने 1938 से 1944 तक सितार का अध्ययन किया और फिर स्वतंत्र तौर से काम करने लगे।

अपने भाई उदय शंकर के नृत्य दल के साथ भारत और भारत से बाहर समय गुजारने वाले रविशंकर ने 1938 से 1944 तक सितार का अध्ययन किया और फिर स्वतंत्र तौर से काम करने लगे।

समय जीवन का एक अनिवार्य घटक है तथा कार्य के दौरान तथा बाहर समय का प्रबंधन अत्यन्त आवश्यक है।

भारत के बाहर समय पाली संस्करण उपलब्ध है, जिसमे पोगो केवल अंग्रेजी में उपलब्ध है।

कैलिस ने अपनी प्राथमिक प्रभाव के रूप में उद्धृत जिसे उसके पिता, हेनरी, के साथ एक करीबी रिश्ता साझा की हैl उसकी बहन जैनी कैलिस, पांच साल के अपने जूनियर, इंडियन प्रीमियर लीग 2009 में एक जयजयकार थी और भी ईस्ट लंदन में स्थित एक फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट है l यह अपने पिता टर्मिनल कैंसर था कि खोज की थी, कैलिस अपने पिता के साथ होने के लिए क्रिकेट से बाहर समय लिया :।

बाहर-समय इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In 2006, Palin obtained a passport and in 2007 traveled for the first time outside North America, on a trip to Kuwait.

The syndrome is also more likely to be contracted by small children since they spend an increased amount of time outside in the dirt.

She'll be spending time out in the field with other mares Korveya, Arabian Dancer, and Narrate.

H0e scale was invented by Egger-Bahn in 1963 - for a long time out of production, but some of the Egger-Bahn line has been reintroduced by MinitrainS.

LSPs are queued for transmission, and must time out at about the same time.

After retiring from football, Wilcox took some time out from the game before joining the commentary staff of BBC Radio Lancashire for a year, as well as having his own weekly column in the Lancashire Telegraph.

In 2015, Robinson announced his plan to return to the Cup Series full-time out of his own shop for the first time since 2012, this time under the name Premium Motorsports.

There were only 10 Democrats at the time out of 68 senators.

She took some time out of the record industry to do Gospel/Inspirational music but eventually returned to secular R"B in 2010 with a new song called "Circles" that was featured in the movie "King of Paper Chasin".

Unlike most other fishes, the Pond loach has the ability to burrow into and hide in soft substrates, breathe in atmospheric air if deemed necessary, as well as survive for long periods of time outside of water.

But in the results for the Eudromaeosauria phylogeny based on the phylogenetic analysis conducted by Jasinski and colleagues in 2020 during the description of Dineobellator, Achillobator was again recovered in the traditional Utahraptor+Achillobator clade but this time outside the Dromaeosaurinae.

As a result of the resonance with Jupiter that has excited the eccentricity of the orbit over the eons, the asteroid's orbit has evolved to spend time outside of the main-belt.

Rural City of Swan Hill Lorne Spicer (born 16 September 1965 in Upminster, Greater London) is an English television presenter best known for presenting reality shows on the BBC's daytime output.

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