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सबनॉर्मल Meaning in English

सबनॉर्मल शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : subnormal

सबनॉर्मल इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Der Intelligenzquotient als Maß der kindlichen Intelligenz, insbesondere der Unternormalen (The intelligence quotient as measure of intelligence in children, with special reference to the subnormal).

If formation pressure is subnormal, air, gas, mist, stiff foam, or low density mud (oil base) can be used.

The term was introduced by Tuval Foguel in 1997 and arose in the context of the proof that for finite groups, every quasinormal subgroup is a subnormal subgroup.

Combining the above two facts, every conjugate-permutable subgroup is subnormal.

Conversely, every 2-subnormal subgroup (that is, a subgroup that is a normal subgroup of a normal subgroup) is conjugate-permutable.

"First, because of their subnormal intellectual functioning, low intelligence, short attention span, poor memory, and poor conceptual and communication skills, they do not always understand statements made to them or the implications of their answers.

Every pronormal subnormal subgroup is normal.

Every subgroup of a finite group is a contranormal subgroup of a subnormal subgroup.

For a weakly c-normal subgroup, we only require T to be subnormal.

of the Herzog–Schönheim conjecture in the case where G_1,\ldots,G_k are subnormal in G.

A basic lemma in Sun's proof states that if G_1,\ldots,G_k are subnormal and of finite index in G, then.

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