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सफ़र करना Meaning in English

सफ़र करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : travel

सफ़र-करना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

डोरेमोन दुनिया भर के विशेष और ज़रूरी विषयों के बारे में दर्शक को बताता है, इसमें वक़्त में सफ़र करना, स्ट्रिंग सिद्धांत, जैसे विज्ञान से सम्बंधित बातों को आसान तरीके से समझने की कोशिश की जाती है।

हिज्री इस्लामी केलंडर है तो हिज्रत हज़रत मुहम्मद का मदीना को सफ़र करना है।

"" जब कोई व्यक्ति किसी स्थान पर जा रहा होता है, तो उसका रूप सामाजिक द्रष्टि मे बदल जाता है, वह एक यात्री के रूप मे हो जाता है, यात्रा करने के लिये पैदल, वाहन, जो भी साधन हों, के द्वारा सफ़र करना ही यात्रा कहलाता है, और जो उनके द्वारा, जा रहा होता है, यात्री कहलाता है।

इस मार्ग के बन जाने से इंदौर और राजस्थान की तरफ सफ़र करना बहुत सुलभ हो गया है।

सफ़र-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In 1974, Chávez and around one dozen fellow cadets and soldiers—all youths—traveled to Ayacucho, Peru to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the eponymous Battle of Ayacucho.

Upon firing, the round travelled the first part of the bore as normal, but on entering the tapering portion the softer and malleable metal of the outer shell of the round was compressed - from 40"nbsp;mm to approximately 30"nbsp;mm.

Together with the higher driving pressure developed in a barrel of diminishing cross-section compared to a standard cylindrical bore, the APCNR round, called APSV (from armour-piercing super velocity), travelled faster, over a flatter trajectory.

, and traveled to Camp Pendleton in a 10-day journey where it was escorted every mile of the trip by Patriot Guard Riders, a motorcycle club that strongly supports service members by welcoming them home from deployments.

Johnstone's personal interests include card-playing, gardening, listening to opera, and travel.

The Lee's Ferry trailhead, located at the lower end of Paria Canyon is the normal exit point for hikers traveling the entire length of the canyon.

Pettigrew, who was born in Edinburgh and educated in London, applied to work with the Arthington Aboriginals Mission in India and travelled to Bengal in 1890.

Accessible by the Wolgan Valley Discovery Trail (Wolgan Road) from the Castlereagh Highway, the road travels through the valley leading onto the historical village of Newnes and its extensive industrial ruins.

The Panama Railway reduced the time needed to cross the Isthmus from a week of difficult and dangerous travel to a day of relative comfort.

The building of the Panama Railroad, in combination with the increasing use of steamships (instead of sailing ships) meant that travel to and from California via Panama was the primary method used by people who could afford to do so, and was used for valuable cargo, such as the gold being shipped from California to the East Coast.

The principal commodity transported across the rails to California was people: by reducing the cross-country travel time to as little as six days, men with westward ambitions were no longer forced to leave their families behind.

The advent of the iced refrigerator car or "reefer" led to increases in both the amount of product carried and in the distances traveled.

Some sixty years later, the Santa Fe would lead a resurgence in leisure travel to and along the west coast aboard such "name" trains as the Chief and later the Super Chief; the Southern Pacific would soon follow suit with their Golden State and Overland Flyer trains, and the Union Pacific with its City of Los Angeles and City of San Francisco.

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