यात्रा होना Meaning in English
यात्रा होना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : travelling
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
ट्रैवल एजेंसीयात्रा अभिकरण
ट्रेवल एजेंट
चारों ओर यात्रा
यात्रा का बैग
सफ़र का बैग
बस से सफ़र करना
कार द्वारा यात्रा
तेज़ रफ़तार से यात्रा करना
रेल पर सफ़र करना
यात्रा दैनिकी
यात्रा विवरण
यात्रा व्यय
यात्रा का किराया
तेज़ी से यात्रा करना
यात्रा-होना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Collins joined the new organization, travelling the United States to promote the use of electrical energy.
Within "Baby on board" is the message of a small (usually ) sign intended to be placed in the back window of an automobile to caution other drivers that an infant is travelling in the automobile.
Following popular request and trials in 2005, Transport for London (TfL) began issuing badges with the TfL logo and the words "Baby on board!" to pregnant women travelling on the London Underground, to help other passengers identify pregnant commuters who would like to be offered a seat.
Over three-quarters of passengers passing through Cardiff Airport are from international flights, and the remainder are domestic passengers mainly travelling between Cardiff and Belfast, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Glasgow or Jersey.
8-inch howitzers, marks VI to VIII, on travelling carriages.
At the 2010 Fans' Parliament, a national policy was adopted to oppose parts of the Football (Disorder) Act 2000 which was introduced by the Government to prevent certain football supporters from attending matches and travelling overseas, by imposing Football Banning Orders.
Blair is also one of the 13 stations on the east-west, light rail Confederation Line of the O-Train, travelling through the downtown core and ending at Tunney's Pasture station.
(It had an odd sense of foreboding as the poet himself died when a boat on which he was travelling in the Adriatic in 1917 was torpedoed by a German submarine).
After travelling to the UK, Galloway said that he intended to represent Scotland in 2016 Four Nations, and would have liked to have played for them in the past if not for injuries.
It is the only available fill-up point between Kang and Maun, which is about 500"nbsp;km, if one are travelling to the Okavango Delta.
bDue to a local transmission of COVID-19 in Western Australia in early 2021, the two Perth-based AFLW teams were forced to isolate as part of a five-day lockdown in Perth, rather than travelling to South Australia for their scheduled matches.
Because of its proximity to Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, Arnéguy is a popular tourist destination for those travelling across the Pyrenees, although its economy remains mostly agricultural.
The concept of travelling teams was eventually left aside as well because the team's decision to produce a first-person RPG had made the system somewhat less fun.