सदाचार Meaning in English
सदाचार शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : morality
, good conduct
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
शुभ सन्ध्या
नेक नीयती
सौभाग्य आकर्षण
सदाचार इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
These tools incorporate an electrical insulator in the drillstring, but due to the challenges of receiving data through a good conductor (Salt Water) this approach is largely confined to onshore areas without shallow saline aquifers.
Captain Harris was awarded brevet rank of major on January 27, 1837, "for gallantry and good conduct in the war against Florida Indians, particularly in the affair of the Hatchee Lustee.
He adopted the current practice of issuing good conduct medals for the betterment of the discipline in the Marine Corps.
In October 2009, after a new application, the NSAC again declined to grant Yvel a standard license but did grant him a limited, 1-fight only license to fight in Nevada due to his good conduct since his last instance of poor behaviour in 2004.
10592, which grants additional good conduct time allowance to inmates, thereby making its application retroactive instead of prospective.
House points are awarded for victory in house competitions and also by teachers in recognition for academic excellence and good conduct, following the PBS system.
Its officers receive their long service and good conduct medals from the department.
In contrast, Hillyar praised Porter for good conduct and claimed he only surrendered when all his options were expended.
Liddell became noted for his strong physique, acceleration, powerful shot, professionalism, and good conduct on the pitch.
Tafel effectively brought an end to the depredations, earning "praise from the citizens and State authorities, for the good conduct and soldierly bearing of both officers and men.
All these years of his well-regarded life are pledges for his good conduct in any situation.
Eventually, the Chiong sisters' parents thanked to the President when the news of Duterte announcing that surrender of the released convicts for good conduct.
सदाचार हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
धर्मोपदेश और सदाचार शिक्षा की आवश्यकता, नगरों के विकास और शक्तिशाली श्रेणियों (शिल्ड) के उदय के साथ नाटक गिरजाघर के प्राचीरों से निकलकर जनपथ पर आ खड़ा हुआ।
इनमें विभिन्न प्रकार के विषय हैं जिसमें सदाचार, तसव्वुफ, प्रेम आदि पर तर्क वितर्क है।
काशी में सदाचार-संयम के साथ धर्म का पालन करना चाहिए।
इन ग्रन्थों में से प्रतिपत्तिचिन्तामणि, गीतावाक्यार्थ, और सदाचारप्रकाश, प्रायः अनुपलब्ध हैं।
"" सदाचारी, जो विश्व का संवर्द्धन करते हैं तथा दुराचारी, जो इसकी प्रगति को रोकते हैं।
उनका विश्वास था कि ईश्वर की भक्ति के लिए सदाचार, परहित-भावना तथा सद्व्यवहार का पालन करना अत्यावश्यक है।
""अनु 19[2] के अनुसार – देश की संप्रभुता-सुरक्षा, विदेशी राष्ट्रॉ से मैत्री पूर्ण संबंध, जन व्यवस्था, नैतिकता, सदाचार, बनाये रखना, मानहानि, न्यायालय की अवमानना के आधार पर रोक लग सकती है।
होनी को कौन टाल सकता था ? सदाचारी देवव्रत की कोमल भावनाओं को हस्तिनापुर राज्य की वेदी पर भेंट चढ़वा दिया गया था तो महारानी सत्यवती को भी उसका कुछ मूल्य चुकाना ही था।
"" काशी में सदाचार-संयम के साथ धर्म का पालन करना चाहिए।
स्पष्ट है कि शिशुपाल की राज्य व्यवस्था अच्छी थी और चेदी जनपद के लोग सदाचार को महत्त्व देते थे।
|पैट्रिक चैन* केविन रेनॉल्ड्स**काटेलिन ओसमंडमेगन डुहैमेल / एरिक रेडफोर्ड*कर्स्टन मूर-टावर्स / डायलान मॉस्कोविच**टेसा सदाचार / स्कॉट मोइर|| 65.00।
वह अपनी सजा को उत्साहपूर्वक झेलने वाला एक सदाचारी कैदी थे।
पुराने अहदनामे में सृष्टि की रचना, मनुष्य का जन्म, इतिहास, सदाचार के नियम, धार्मिक कर्मकांड, पौराणिक कथाएं और यहोवा के प्रति प्रार्थनाएं शामिल हैं।
सदाचार इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
" The report concluded that Driscoll had never been charged with "immorality, illegality or heresy," and considered "some of the accusations against Pastor Mark to be altogether unfair or untrue.
Lurid rumors that Catholic convents were dens of immorality were prevalent; among these were allegations that convents imprisoned women against their will, murdered babies, and concealed sexual deviance.
The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche argued in his treatise On the Genealogy of Morality (1887) that love of one's enemies is weakness and dishonesty (see Master–slave morality).
In the realist tradition, security is based on the principle of a balance of power and the reliance on morality as the sole determining factor in statecraft is considered impractical.
Samuel Barkin, for instance, holds that "realist constructivism" can fruitfully "study the relationship between normative structures, the carriers of political morality, and uses of power" in ways that existing approaches do not.
It is a freely composed version of the late medieval Dutch morality play Elckerlijc (in English known as Everyman).
A morality play on the Everyman theme, Toronto 1992 ([http://www.
The English mystery plays and the later morality plays have many personifications as characters, alongside their biblical figures.
Riots, a common disturbance in colonial America, occurred for many reasons including to contest elections, to protest economic conditions, or to enforce standards of morality.
As in Beauvoir's other works, themes of feminism, existentialism, and personal morality are explored as the characters navigate not only the intellectual and political landscape but also their shifting relationships with each other.
Christopher West has been delivering lectures since 1997, mostly on topics such as Christian anthropology, the Creed, morality, sacraments, marriage, sexuality, and family life.
" Wollstonecraft emphasizes the benefits of hard work, self-discipline, frugality, and morality, values she contrasts with the "vices of the rich", such as "insincerity" and the "want of natural affections".
Previously, the most common forms of popular English theatre were the Tudor morality plays.