संभावनार्थक Meaning in English
संभावनार्थक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : subjunctive
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संभावनार्थक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The optative tense in Sanskrit (formerly known as the 'potential') has the same meaning as the present tense of the subjunctive mood in most Indo-European languages, including Hindi, Latin, Russian, French, etc.
The subjunctive is very commonly used in Hindi, for example, in 'kya kahun?', 'what to say?'.
The subjunctive is also commonly used in conditional constructions; for example, one of the few English locutions in the subjunctive which remains more or less current is 'were it ०, then ०', or, more commonly, 'if it were.
', where 'were' is in the past tense of the subjunctive.
This would be expressed in archaic English with the subjunctive: 'be it so', a direct translation of .
Verbs are negated with nem except in the subjunctive, when ne is used.
In late classical and Medieval Latin, the ACI gradually gave way to a construction with quod with the subjunctive.
For example, in English one may say I told him to do it, but in Spanish one must say Le dije que lo hiciera "I said to him that he do it" (using the subjunctive mood), not *Le dije hacerlo or any other construction with the infinitive.
Other verbs in indirect speech are mostly put into the subjunctive mood.
For subjunctive mood verbs, the writer can choose whether to use historic tenses (imperfect and pluperfect) or primary ones (present and perfect).
Verbs in subordinate clauses in indirect speech are usually changed to the subjunctive mood.
If the context is past, the imperfect or pluperfect subjunctive is used, otherwise the present or perfect:.
However, most verbs of ordering, persuading, and encouraging are followed by ut (utī) 'that' or nē 'that not' and a subjunctive mood verb.