शौर्यवान Meaning in English
शौर्यवान शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : heroic
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
वीर दोहे
वीर रस प्रधान
हेरोइन की दीवानी
हेरोइन की लत
बगुला भगत
शौर्यवान हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
चित्र जोड़ें आनंदवन पथमेड़ा भारत देश की वह पावन व मनोरम भूमि हैं जिसे भगवान श्री कृष्ण ने कुरुक्षेत्र सें द्वारका जाते समय श्रावण भादों माह में रुक कर वृंदावन से लायी हुई भूमंड़ल की सर्वाधिक दुधारु जुझारु साहसी शौर्यवान सौम्यवान गायों के चरने व विचरनें के लिए चुना था।
""चित्र जोड़ें आनंदवन पथमेड़ा भारत देश की वह पावन व मनोरम भूमि हैं जिसे भगवान श्री कृष्ण ने कुरुक्षेत्र सें द्वारका जाते समय श्रावण भादों माह में रुक कर वृंदावन से लायी हुई भूमंड़ल की सर्वाधिक दुधारु जुझारु साहसी शौर्यवान सौम्यवान गायों के चरने व विचरनें के लिए चुना था।
शौर्यवान इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The heroics belonged to Celtics forward John Havlicek: playing with a swollen eye after being poked by Keith Erickson, he scored 34 points.
" He is given a background common of protagonists in inspirational American stories; "he comes from a poor family; he does not know the identity of his father; he refuses to be trapped by fine clothing, social position, or wealth," and he has plenty of "heroic qualities" such as his intelligence, compassion, and clear observation.
Medieval French heroic epics (the chansons de geste) were most often composed in 10 syllable verses (from which, the decasyllable was termed "heroic verse"), generally with a regular caesura after the fourth syllable.
Dayan and Katz suggest that media events are an expression of a "neo-romantic desire for heroic action", meaning that media events produce leaders who inspire collective action with belief in the "power of the people" to change the world.
That brief television appearance gave Chávez national recognition and caused him to become for many a heroic symbol of resistance to the disliked regime.
He will probably die, but I am sure the Government of the Republic will compensate his family for the services rendered by this heroic officer.
Before he can be beatified, the Church must declare that he lived a holy and virtuous life (a Servant of God), and that he lived it heroically and publicly in a manner worthy of respect and universal veneration (be Venerable).
What is Form and Why Bother with It?' Closed and open forms, heroic verse, forms of ode, ballads, comic verse, sonnets, shaped verse; these and several more are explained along with examples.
LaFroyge, now retired from heroics, became unhinged at the news and turned against his former teammates, setting up an inflammatory anti-New Warriors website, DestroyAllWarriors.
LaFroyge did have small skill with computer programming and research, as well as some tactical ability, though the latter skill was best employed when assessing events that had already occurred, analyzing in hindsight how events could have played out if different actions were taken (thus the source of his "heroic" identity).
In spite of the fact that our ancestors were such a heroic nation, today, in the mountains of Caucasia, in the gardens of the Crimea, in the steppes of Kazan, in the lands of our ancestors, in our homeland we did not have the freedom to speak our own needs.
" In contrast, Agagianian called for a "heroically Christian" struggle against communism during his visit to Australia in 1959.