नायिकाएं Meaning in English
नायिकाएं शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : heroines
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नायिकाएं हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
इन पर कालेज छात्राएं, मॉडल्स और टीवी-फिल्मों की नायिकाएं तक उपलब्ध कराने के दावे किए जाते हैं।
पेशेवर रंगमंच के अनेक नायक, नायिकाएं सहयोगी कलाकार, गीतकार, निर्देशक, संगीतकार सिनेमा के क्षेत्र में आए।
"" गुप्तजी की तीनों विरहिणी नायिकाएं विरह ताप में तपती हुई भी अपने तन-मन को भस्म नहीं होने देती वरण कुन्दन की तरह उज्ज्वल वर्णी हो जाती हैं।
आठ प्रकार की नायिकाएं ये हैं-।
महिला कलाकार उपलब्ध न होने के कारण उनकी सभी नायिकाएं पुरुष कलाकार थे (वेश्या चरित्र को छोड़कर)।
भरतमुनि के नाटयशास्त्रीया रीत्यानुसार पूर्वमूढ़ा ज्येष्ठा, पश्चषदूढ़ा कनिष्ठा नायिकाएं कही गयी हैं।
उनके नायक और नायिकाएं अक्सर समाज से कटे हुए होते हैं और उन्हें शायद ही कभी दोबारा अपनाया जाता है।
नायक और नायिकाएं चरम उत्साह और संवेदनशीलता का प्रदर्शन करते थे.।
फ़िल्म में नायिकाएं परदे पर एक साथ बहुत ही सीमित समय साझा करती हैं और इसलिए उनके हिस्सों को अलग-अलग फ़िल्माया गया।
यहां, अधमा और ज्येष्ठा नायिकाएं उल्लिखित नहीं हैं।
गुप्तजी की तीनों विरहिणी नायिकाएं विरह ताप में तपती हुई भी अपने तन-मन को भस्म नहीं होने देती वरण कुन्दन की तरह उज्ज्वल वर्णी हो जाती हैं।
नायिकाएं इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
A dance-hall girl, Loren's character of Natascha—a prostitute—"perpetuates Chaplin's lifelong fascination with fallen women as heroines.
As Tuesday X is the most normal of the X heroines, Suave is the most normal of the S.
It is possible, since this was a period when Wolf habitually named his comets after operatic heroines, that he specifically had in mind the Preziosa in the eponymous opera by Antonio Smareglia.
In light of Max Wolf's propensity around the time of discovery to name asteroids after operatic heroines, it is likely that the asteroid is named after Senta, the heroine of Richard Wagner's opera The Flying Dutchman.
1905 for naming asteroids after operatic heroines, it is likely that 557 Violetta is named after the protagonist of Giuseppe Verdi's famous opera La Traviata.
At the time of its discovery, Max Wolf was habitually naming asteroids after operatic heroines, suggesting is it most likely named after the lead character of Nanon, an 1877 opera by Richard Genée.
1905 of naming his discoveries after operatic heroines, it is most likely named after the title character of Ingwelde, an opera by Max von Schillings premiered in Karlsruhe in 1894.
But my heroines were singers like Joni Mitchell, Patti Smith or Carly Simon.
Grey Gardens’s lyrics convey an eccentric sensibility wholly their own, mirroring the two heroines’ eccentricity.
According to Anne Scott MacLeod, authors who "evade the common realities of the societies they write about" and "give their heroines freer choices than their cultures would in fact have offered", are misrepresenting history.
"These market-women had been treated as heroines ever since their march to Versailles in October 1789; government after government of Paris delighted to show them honor[.
[a]mong the chief pleasures of my life, and among the commonest of my occupations was the bringing before me such heroes and heroines of antiquity, such poets and sages, such of the prosperous and unfortunate as most interested me .
When the Anti-Life Equation takes effect across the globe, several superheroines and villainesses are taken under Darkseid's power and are transformed into the new Female Furies.