वोर्टिकिटी Meaning in English
वोर्टिकिटी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : vorticity
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वोर्टिकिटी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Through the latter, directly depending on the strain-rate and the vorticity invariants, a stronger relation between the concentration and the turbulence fields was finally ensured.
Take the simple example of a barotropic, inviscid vorticity-free fluid.
where \vec{u}\ \stackrel{\mathrm{def}}{}\ \nabla \varphi is the velocity and is vorticity-free.
after exploiting the fact that the vorticity is zero:.
This arises from physics involving divergence and curl (mathematics) operators, such as flux " vorticity or electricity " magnetism, where one variable naturally lives on the primal faces and its counterpart on the dual faces.
The low-level monsoon flow became diverted from Roy to Phyllis, which removed a potential source of low-level vorticity.
At t0, we have a potential vortex with concentrated vorticity at the z axis; and this vorticity diffuses away as time passes.
The only non-zero vorticity component is in the z direction, given by.
"Colloquial expression describing tornadoes occurring with a parent cloud in its growth stage and with its vorticity originating in the boundary layer.
Landspouts are a type of tornado that forms during the growth stage of a cumulus congestus cloud by stretching boundary layer vorticity upward and into the cumulus congestus's updraft.
Looking down on the earth at the north pole, this spin is in a counterclockwise direction, which is defined as positive rotation or vorticity.
the Sverdrup equation represents the motion required to maintain this match between the absolute vorticity of a water column and the planetary vorticity, while.
The Sverdrup relation can be derived from the linearized barotropic vorticity equation for steady motion:.