मतम्मत करना Meaning in English
मतम्मत करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : vote
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
मतानुकुल करनामतार्थना
वोट देकर चुनना
वोट देकर चुना जाना
के विरुद्ध मतदान करना
वोट देकर निर्वाचित करना
प्रतिनिधि रूप में वोट
वोट काउंटर
वोट डेक
वोट आउट
मत भण्डार
मतवालेपन से
मत बदलने वाला व्यक्ति
मतम्मत-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
In 1844, Brigham founded the first English language journal devoted to the subject of mental illness, American Journal of Insanity.
Cultural history of India The Société entomologique de France, or French Entomological Society, is devoted to the study of insects.
In 2006, Nutley was voted into the Super League Dream Team.
Lammert received 564 of 607 votes cast, including most of the SPD's votes.
In June 2017, Lammert voted against Germany’s introduction of same-sex marriage.
The documents of the Court decision included a statement that a corporation henceforth could be considered an American citizen, with all the associated immunities and privileges (except the right to vote).
He won the Toledo mayoral primary, winning roughly 37% of the vote in comparison to 29% earned by incumbent Ford.
The contractor was able to shave '10 from the project, thus avoiding a Council vote on the proposal.
According to the City Charter, Finkbeiner had five days to resign or face a recall vote on the November election.
It was founded as a nunnery about the year 1145 devoted to the congregation of the major Abbey of Cluny in Burgundy, France.
Given the linkages between agricultural growth and industrial expansion in poor countries, if a section of the profit made by the capitalists is not devoted to agricultural development, the process of industrialization would be jeopardized.
Attempting to hedge their bets, in January 1996, Atari announced the formation of a new subsidiary, Atari Interactive, which would be devoted to publishing games for PC.
LeBlanc, III, who finished with a strong 25 percent of the vote.