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वसंत विषुवअ Meaning in English

वसंत विषुवअ शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : spring equinox

वसंत-विषुवअ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Instead the work is an emblematic subject: the ram represents the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries, at the period of the spring equinox and the energy of that season.

In the combination of themes, the harmony of the spheres is represented figuratively by Apollo the Luteplayer, where the spring equinox and the spring flowers are balanced by the fruits of autumn on the table - from the autumn equinox - under the sign of Libra, when the forces of nature are once again in equilibrium.

They had one Head, Christ, one leader, Patrick, one mass and one tonsure from ear to ear and they celebrated Easter a fortnight after the spring equinox ("quarta decima luna post aequinoctium vernale").

As a conservationist, Bryan reused builder's rubble to create the stones, arranging them gradually throughout the years to create the henge with stones for key moments in the year such as the summer and winter solstice and spring equinox.

Other events include the autumn harvest festival and the spring equinox festival, both also open to parents.

The head of Nut passes below the horizon about 75 minutes after the sun on the spring equinox, and at the same point on the horizon, "consuming" Ra, who was symbolically reborn 272 days later on the morning of the Winter solstice, on the same declination as Deneb.

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