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वसंतकालीन ज्वार Meaning in English

वसंतकालीन ज्वार शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : spring tide

वसंतकालीन-ज्वार इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Black British sportspeople A flood barrier, surge barrier or storm surge barrier is a specific type of floodgate, designed to prevent a storm surge or spring tide from flooding the protected area behind the barrier.

At , and with a navigable depth of at spring tides, the entrance lock was also one of the largest ever built.

Flat bottomed sailing barges known as Severn trows used to navigate the river as far as Gloucester but they could only do that on the high spring tides.

, the spring tide, the loading difficulties at Zeebrugge harbour, etc.

The island is nearly circular, with a diameter of 370 to 380 meters, corresponding to an area of about 11 [six The Bramble Bank, otherwise known simply as "The Brambles" is an arrowhead-shaped sandbar in the central Solent which is uncovered at low water spring tides.

The Conister Rock has always been accessible from Douglas shore during periods of low water on spring tides, although the walk to the tower could be somewhat perilous.

The Queenie was a causeway of boulders, covered only by spring tides, which linked the islands of Keith Inch and Greenhill to the mainland.

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