लोंगहैंड Meaning in English
लोंगहैंड शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : longhand
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
लंबे हाथवाला बन्दरलॉन्गहॉर्न
तरसते हुए
लालसा करनेवाला
प्राप्त करने की लालसावाला
लालसा से
देशांतर से
देशांतर गमन करना
देशांतर यात्रा
देशान्तर रेखा
देशांतर की रेखा
देशांतर की लाइन
लोंगहैंड इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
In 1877, Smith responded to a written reprimand from his colonel with a disrespectful longhand response.
They made longhandled picks which they used to cut the limestone from the bedrock.
The letter was written in longhand, and the o and l were spaced too close together.
I write in longhand and the scripts are typed and returned at 7 a.
Instead of writing notes in longhand he wrote his notes in ‘mind maps’ of packets of information linking different concepts and conditions in a two-dimensional representation of clinical knowledge.