लॉन्गहॉर्न Meaning in English
लॉन्गहॉर्न शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : longhorn
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लॉन्गहॉर्न इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
:The future California-Nevada region is depicted as including rainforest and an inland sea inundating the central valley, as well as a wide variety of exotic megafauna such as elephants, lions, longhorn cattle, and several monkey and ape species.
Cattle were perceived as having unique horns, especially among longhorn cattle which occupied a large population.
Mulciber (beetle), a genus of longhorn beetles.
The school's mascot is a longhorn steer.
Gnoma, a genus of longhorn beetles.
The Texas longhorn breed of cattle.