लॉन्गशिप Meaning in English
लॉन्गशिप शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : longship
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लॉन्गशिप इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The raiding parties also increased in size, becoming regular armies—in 837 the annals report a fleet of sixty longships on the Liffey, carrying 1,500 men, and another one of a similar size sailing up the river Boyne, making their way into the inland territories and launching attacks on the lands of Brega in the south of County Meath.
Prince Georg brought a flag of Denmark and a model of a Danish or Viking longship, an early sailing warship of the type used by King Canute (Knut) and his countrymen.
The Danish flag and the Viking longship both still hang inside Saint Andrew's Church.
In the West, square sails were used in the galleys of Ancient Greece and the Viking longships, and the fore-and-aft variety as early as the Mediterranean dromons of the Middle Ages.
Celia—Silly (Kirsten Dunst) in the flashbacks—is the next chosen victim of a Viking curse which was placed on the island centuries ago when their longship sank in the bay.
He continued along the south coast but saw nowhere else where a longship could put in, "nothing but sands and wasteland and high waves crashing on the shore.
The knarr (knǫrr, plural knerrir) was constructed using the same clinker-built method as longships, karves, and faerings.
The knarr was a cargo ship; the hull was wider, deeper and shorter than a longship, and could take more cargo and be operated by smaller crews.
Glaciers of Unorganized Borough, Alaska Ormrinn Langi in Old Norse (The Long Serpent) Ormen Lange in Norwegian, Ormurin Langi in Faroese was one of the most famous of the Viking longships.
It was built for the Norwegian King Olav Tryggvason, and was the largest and most powerful longship of its day.
King Sweyn had also sent two longships with two hundred men, with whom Ref and his men met up with before attacking Eirik at sea.
Prior to the Viking Age, wooden structures developed into a sophisticated craft evident in the elegant and effective construction of the Viking longships.
The arrival of the Vikings brought a new scale of naval warfare, with rapid movement based around the Viking longship.