लोंगशोर Meaning in English
लोंगशोर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : longshore
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लोंगशोर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The Golden Bay dunes are part of the longshore drink of sediment known as the ‘sedimentary sink’ within the Bunbury / Leschenault Peninsula area, delivering an annual average of 100,000m3 of sand.
There he earned his living as a laundry employee, bartender, longshoreman, press assistant, and finally as a stonemason for Hollywood studio construction, a circumstance that favored his foray into film as an extra and as a double for stars like Douglas Fairbanks.
At age 18, he worked as a longshoreman in Alaska before attending the University of Washington on a pre-dentistry program for two years.
The words of the labor song "The Ballad of Bloody Thursday" – inspired by a deadly clash between strikers and police during the 1934 San Francisco longshoremen's strike – also follow the "Streets of Laredo" pattern and tune.
To accomplish this he must overcome the relentless opposition of the "salmon trust," a fictionalized Alaska Packers' Association, which undercuts his financing, sabotages his equipment, incites a longshoremen's riot and bribes his fishermen to quit.
The longshoremen wore black Ben Davis jeans and white hats in the annual Labor Day parade from the Ferry Building to City Hall in San Francisco.
The standing edge wave theory, which was introduced by Guza and Inman (1975), suggests that swash is superimposed upon the motion of standing edge waves that travel alongshore.
Longshore drift by swash occurs either due to beach cusp morphology or due to oblique incoming waves causing strong alongshore swash motion.
Under the influence of longshore drift, when there is no slack-water phase during backwash flows, sediments can remain suspended to result in offshore sediment transport.
Beachface erosion by swash processes is not very common but erosion can occur where swash has a significant alongshore component.
The project had failed to take the seasonal patterns of longshore drift into account and had underestimated the amount of sand to nourish with, especially on the southern part of the beach.
He had a minor role in Major League as a longshoreman and fan of the Cleveland Indians.
In 1919, Selvinsky graduated from a gymnasium in Evpatoriya, spending his summers as a vagabond and trying his hands at different trades, including sailing, fishing, working as a longshoreman and circus wrestler, and acting in an itinerant theater.