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लुटा हुआ Meaning in English

लुटा हुआ शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : looted

लुटा-हुआ हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""Loot : मूल संस्कृत शब्द लुण्टा (lota-m) अथवा लून्त्ति (luṇṭhati) से बना है जिसका मतलब अंग्रेजी में 'he steals' है यह हिन्दी शब्द लूट (lūṭ) से होते हुए बना है जिसका मतलब $लुटा हुआ अथवा चोरी किया हुए समान से है$।

लुटा-हुआ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The church itself was guarded by soldiers of the 33rd Regiment, who looted it, taking away a variety of gold, silver, and brass crosses, as well as filigree works and rare tabots.

From time to time some of the looted treasure has been returned to Ethiopia.

Even after the unfortunate terrorist shot himself, Dumbadze ordered his troops to burn down the dacha, and the soldiers additionally looted the adjacent house.

"Many Chinese saw the Chilean liberation as an opportunity to avenge years of abuse from the plantation owners; in Pacasmayo 600 to 800 Chinese forced labourers looted the sugar estates and this scene was repeated in the Chicama, Lambayeque and Cañete Valleys.

The kibbutzim were captured and briefly held by the Syrian Army, during which time they were looted and burned down.

To avenge the death of Gokula, Rajaram looted Akbar's tomb and dragged Akbar's bones and burned them with the help of Jat Zamindars of Braj.

The churches on the island were looted and turned into warehouses and stables, the lamps and holy images in them were broken, paintings of art destroyed and houses rendered uninhabitable.

The town was ruled by the Moors and the Romans, with the Moors invading and controlling the town from 929 AD until 1485, when the Christians looted and retook control of Coín.

The most infamous auction of Nazi looted art was the “degenerate art” auction organized by Theodor Fischer on 30 June 1939 at the Grand Hotel National in Lucerne, Switzerland.

In the Museum Jeu de Paume, art dealer Bruno Lohse staged 20 expositions of the newly looted art objects, especially for Göring, from which Göring selected at least 594 pieces for his own collection.

In the Russian SFSR, 173 museums were found to have been plundered by the Nazis, with looted items numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

Thousands of art objects were looted, as the Nazis systematically carried out a plan of looting prepared even before the start of hostilities.

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