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लुटर Meaning in English

लुटर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : looter

लुटर हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

:α-केटोग्लुटरेट + AcCoA → → एल α-एमिनोडिपिक एसिड → एल- लाइसिन+ β- लेक्टम।

"":α-केटोग्लुटरेट + AcCoA → → एल α-एमिनोडिपिक एसिड → एल- लाइसिन+ β- लेक्टम।

ये कहते हैं कि आज के समुद्री लुटेरों का 'प्राचीन जिन्दादिल समुद्री लुटर्रों' से कोई सम्बन्ध नहीं है।

विलियम्स, नेविले (1971). रॉयल होम्स . लुटरवर्थ प्रेस. आईएसबीएन (ISBN) 0-7188-0803-7।

लुटर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In 2010 police arrested looters digging for antiquities in what later was believed to be the tomb of Hecatomnus.

Armed looters were observed entering the embassy compound as the final wave departed.

The Wilshire Boulevard store suffered severe damage during the Los Angeles riots of 1992; looters broke in and shattered every display case on the first floor.

A fire caused by war-time looters of near-by shops destroyed the bell when its wooden cradle burned through and the bell crashed onto the stone floor of the south tower on April 12, 1945, along with Johannesglocke of the Northern tower, Zwölferin, and Neuerin of the south front tower.

But looters dug into the mounds over the next two decades and took many artifacts, in addition to destroying stratigraphy of some structures.

A blind man Corfe helps on the road turns out to be Macrobius, the High Pontiff of the Ramusian Church who has been blinded by Merduk looters.

Consisting mainly of stone materials, these objects have been abandoned by looters, probably considered useless or worthless.

Ferdinand Marcos warned on television for profiteers and looters to not "take advantage of the situation".

" When the threatened man points out how looters are stealing typewriters, Roadblock states that "Nobody ever died for a typewriter.

Upon arriving in the deserted town, he is captured by three looters, who lock him in the trunk of his 1970 'Cuda.

Reggie is rescued by a young boy named Tim, who kills the looters when they break into his house.

After fighting off the Tall Man's minions, including the undead looters, they enter a large mausoleum in the city of Boulton.

While Reggie, Rocky, and Tim are separated and attacked by the looters, Mike consults with the Jody-sphere in a psychic link.

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