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लवनेवालों Meaning in English

लवनेवालों शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lover
, harvesters

लवनेवालों इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Factories include Forges Gorce, who make blades for agricultural machinery from [trimmer]s to combine harvesters.

Commercial and recreational harvesters heavily exploited reef fish, such as grouper and snapper, prior to the establishment of the reserve, and extensive areas of ivory bush coral habitat had been reduced to rubble by trawling or dredging, with few or no living coral colonies remaining in sections of the bank.

The harvester was superior to previous harvesters as it could 'lift' the heads of damaged crops and collect grain that would otherwise be lost.

The naturalist Philip Gosse supplied a general account of lacebark tree harvesting from a stopover in Haiti in 1846, while contemporary accounts by Emily Brennan, Mark Nesbitt, and others rely in large part on oral accounts from the few remaining lacebark harvesters.

Since 1953, Izakson headed the General Design Bureau for self-propelled combine harvesters in the city of Taganrog.

In 2003, harvesters were used in around 95 percent of fellings.

Nabha is famous as a manufacturing hub of combine harvesters.

Between 1995 and 2000, the CIW organized several major actions to protest declining real wages for tomato harvesters, as well as frequent violence from supervisors towards field workers.

The residents on the Argonos will be crammed into the harvesters and shuttles, and they will travel back to the abandoned planet Antioch.

The machine hall and the land barn hold agricultural machinery (1850-1960) like tractors, combine harvesters etc.

In 1883 he read about combine harvesters in California.

The most significant threats are snares, and cultivation at lower altitudes and agriculture throughout and the least but increasing threats are extensive road building which opens undisturbed area to farmers and timber harvesters, dams and mining.

The crew, along with harvesters which are to collect and process materials for the Argonos, descend on the planet.

लवनेवालों इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Creates many spillover effects.

In the early 1930s, she met Polish agent major Jerzy Sosnowski and she became, like her friend Benita von Falkenhayn, his lover.

What appears to be a version of the same faxed agreement can be found on the GAFM website, with a signature by "Sharon Glover" and the handwritten information "VP " Assoc.

Kafana is stereotyped as a place where sad lovers cure their sorrows in alcohol and music, gamblers squander entire fortunes, husbands run away from mean wives while shady businessmen, corrupt local politicians and petty criminals do business.

The title is a made-up name for a seductive lover mentioned in the song.

Brunissen, in particular, thinks of famous lovers, and tells herself that she will be bold.

Sometime in the late 1860s and early 1870s she and the composer Émile Paladilhe became lovers.

On 1 February 1740 the Academy opened its doors to all interested students, not only artists, but also art lovers and such professionals and handworkers for whom drawing could be an asset.

Glover's Roll is an English roll of arms from the 1240s or 1250s, containing 55 coats of arms.

Two other copies exist, made by Glover from a now-lost different original source, one at the College of Arms in London, the other at the Office of the Ulster King of Arms in Dublin.

The Vixens are organised by their leader known as 'Whiplash' and her second-in-command and lover 'The Fox'.

Simple DNS MX record based Mail Hub cluster with parallelism and front-end failover and load balancing is illustrated in the following diagram:.

लवनेवालों Meaning in Other Sites