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उतावलापन Meaning in English

उतावलापन शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : impatience
, hastiness

उतावलापन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Because of the hastiness of the replacement, she could only re-record vocals for three of the tracks on the album.

Because of the hastiness of the German attack, the Russian Army emerged victorious.

उतावलापन हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

’ मैंने अपने मन का उतावलापन छिपाते हुए उसी पर अहसान लादा, ‘तुम कहते हो तो ठीक है चलो !’।

""’ मैंने अपने मन का उतावलापन छिपाते हुए उसी पर अहसान लादा, ‘तुम कहते हो तो ठीक है चलो !’।

२. झूठ बोलना, उतावलापन दिखाना, दुस्साहस करना, छल-कपट करना, मूर्खतापूर्ण कार्य करना, लोभ करना, अपवित्रता और निर्दयता - ये सभी स्त्रियों के स्वाभाविक दोष हैं।

"" उत् से अभिप्राय उतावलापन , कंठा से अभिप्राय अभिलाषा या इच्छा ,।

उत् से अभिप्राय उतावलापन , कंठा से अभिप्राय अभिलाषा या इच्छा ,।

""२. झूठ बोलना, उतावलापन दिखाना, दुस्साहस करना, छल-कपट करना, मूर्खतापूर्ण कार्य करना, लोभ करना, अपवित्रता और निर्दयता - ये सभी स्त्रियों के स्वाभाविक दोष हैं।

उतावलापन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Christian Donlan writing for Eurogamer theorised that "the guy in Doom is playing Doom", and explained that the main character's impatience with exposition is analogous to "the temporary frustration of being inside Doom while not being able to play Doom".

The infuriated soldiery resembled rather a pack of hell hounds vomited up from infernal regions for the extirpation of mankind than what they were but twelve short hours previously – a well-organised, brave, disciplined and obedient British Army, and burning only with impatience for what is called glory.

Near the end of the session, when an unrelated bill was under discussion, Johnston made a motion related to it and then used the opportunity, which was allowed to Senators, to make his speech; this caused "great indignation and impatience on the floor".

Additional causes of the Gaelic revival were political and personal grievances against the Hiberno-Normans, but especially impatience with procrastination and the very real horrors that successive famines had brought.

In his biography of Hughes, Arnold Rampersad says the song's chorus, which asks, "How long must I have to wait?" emphasizes Hughes's impatience with the progress of the civil rights movement.

However, his severe impatience may be an indicator that he received at least a minor amount of his genetic material.

Although a child, her vanity and impatience lead her to demonic means to accelerate her growth.

Although Noodle is generally reserved and collected, she has sometimes displayed an occasional irritability and impatience when interacting with some of the other band members, especially as a teenager.

He leans to one side to acknowledge a fellow dandy, much to the impatience of the young woman who stands at his table.

This ordeal would be noted by Jake Rossen of Black Belt magazine, who wrote: "Overall, the event demonstrated an impatience for lengthy ground battles.

Just when Ranger Smith is making sure everything in Jellystone Park is in order, Boo Boo enters a feral state due to his impatience with all the rules, much to the displeasure of Ranger Smith, who expected Yogi Bear to do this.

Nietzsche criticized Rée's The Origin of the Moral Sensations in the preface to On the Genealogy of Morals, writing that "Perhaps I have never read anything to which I would have said to myself No, proposition by proposition, conclusion by conclusion, to the extent that I did to this book; yet quite without ill-humour or impatience.

Hentoff wrote that Lincoln's vocal performance is bursting with impatience, reflecting the anticipation that the track inhabits.

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