लकड़ी का फर्श Meaning in English
लकड़ी का फर्श शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : wooden floor
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लकड़ी का तख्ता
लकड़ी-का-फर्श हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
लकड़ी का फर्श सीमेंट या पत्थर इत्यादि के फर्श की तरह ठंढा नहीं होता, अत: इसका उपयोग शीतप्रधान इलाके में प्रचुरता से होता है।
""लकड़ी के पटरों या तख्तों को लकड़ी की धरन या लोहे के गर्डर पर जड़कर लकड़ी का फर्श बनाया जात है।
लकड़ी-का-फर्श इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Some of the early structures such as the original Five Tents had just a wooden floor and walls, with canvas tents above.
A wooden floor board with legs is the most traditional, elegant, and expensive of all boards.
The rationale was that a softer wheel with improved grip would help novice roller skaters, but the wheel was largely rejected by roller skaters who favored the hard steel wheels that allowed for faster speeds on the wooden floors of the roller rinks.
The works included replacing the wooden floors with concrete ones, the wooden ones being too weak to cope with the weight of an operating theatre table and equipment.
Netball SA Stadium features four indoor courts with sprung wooden floors.
Only the stone parts of the structure remain, as the wooden floors and roof have deteriorated and been removed.
A tongued and grooved wooden floor is best for the shearing board and wool processing area (wool room) as it is easier to keep clean, especially with scrapers and to slide butts of wool along.
The tower was originally ascended using ladders between wooden floors, but a stone spiral staircase was inserted in the 18th century.
It was a simple complex; forty-three tents with wooden floors, an officer's quarters, and three guard towers around the perimeter.
Do not put the [altar] rings on the wooden floor; they should be placed high.
The Department of Environment spent £20,000 on the tower in 1992, repairing windows, repointing the masonry, adding lightning protection and fitting in a wooden floor between the second and third floor, which had been omitted in 1859 to cut costs.
A proper second floor was created later by inserting a wooden floor as part of the repairs and the upgrading done by the Department of Environment.