लकड़ी की टाँग Meaning in English
लकड़ी की टाँग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : wooden leg
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लकड़ी-की-टाँग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
In this latter action Gordon's left knee was shattered by a cannonball and his leg had to be amputated; he used a wooden leg for the remainder of his life.
William Henley, the editor of the Scots Observer, is even said to have danced on his wooden leg when he first received the text.
In frustration, Shelly grabs Bradley's wooden leg and waves off the rest of the family, expressing her anger with them and Vince.
Father Dewis tries to calm Shelly down and places the wooden leg onto the table.
Shelly gives up on Vince and leaves, and Vince grabs the wooden leg and throws it outside the house; Bradley goes crawling for it.
The pictures also show that men can return from war sometimes with medals, and sometimes with wooden legs.
He lost his left leg after he was wounded in the Battle of Wagram; it was replaced by a wooden prosthesis earning him the nickname jambe de bois ("wooden leg").