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योग ज्यात करना Meaning in English

योग ज्यात करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sum in

योग-ज्यात-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Still in Glasgow, Dale invested a significant sum in the insurance business.

Article "44" of the 1811 Decree abolished the centuries-old institution of fideicommissum in inheritance law, by which the French enabled younger noblemen to participate in that part of the family inheritance, which the former law had deprived them of.

Less common variants of erythema nodosum include:.

This unprecedented sum included a '23 million naming gift from Raymond and Carol Neag to the Neag School of Education—the largest gift ever made to a public university in New England.

converts divergences of the sum into simple poles on the complex s-plane.

Magiō Cīlōne, familiāre eius, pugiōne percussum esse et duo vulnera accēpisse, ūnum in stomachō, alterum in capite secundum aurem; spērārī tamen eum vīvere posse; Magium sē ipsum interfēcisse posteā; sē ā Mārcellō ad mē missum esse, quī haec nūntiāret et rogāret, utī medicōs eī mitterem.

When the main verb in a direct question is a future tense, it becomes a future participle with the subjunctive of sum in an indirect question:.

cognovērunt Caesarem ipsum in classe vēnisse ([Caesar]).

The park was sold to CNL Lifestyle Properties for an undisclosed sum in 2009.

The next month, with Togwell and Vale agreed on personal terms, chairman Bill Bratt admitted that the two clubs were a long way from agreeing a deal, with Palace demanding a large sum in transfer fees.

The company purchased Oregon Timber Frame for an undisclosed sum in 2019.

If the sum is taken over products of Schur polynomials in n variables (x_1, \dots, x_n), the sum includes only partitions of length \ell(\lambda) \le n since otherwise the Schur polynomials vanish.

The school was established according to the instructions of George Watson (1654–1723) who bequeathed the bulk of his fortune of £12,000 – a vast sum in 1723 – to found a school for the provision of post-primary boarding education.

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