यातनाग्रस्त Meaning in English
यातनाग्रस्त शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : tortured
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अन्तरात्मा से प्रताड़ितटॉर्चर करने वाले
तोशक का कपड़ा
टाउट करना
यातनाग्रस्त हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
34|35|उन्होंने यह भी कहा कि 'हम तो धन और संतान में तुमसे बढ़कर है और हम यातनाग्रस्त होनेवाले नहीं।
34|38|रहे वे लोग जो हमारी आयतों को मात करने के लिए प्रयासरत है, वे लाकर यातनाग्रस्त किए जाएँगे।
""30|16|किन्तु जिन लोगों ने इनकार किया और हमारी आयतों और आख़िरत की मुलाक़ात को झुठलाया, वे लाकर यातनाग्रस्त किए जाएँगे।
यातनाग्रस्त इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
He was also tortured by the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo.
He is discovered by the Rojos and tortured, but escapes.
Blondie is himself later caught out and tortured by a vengeful Tuco who first tries to put Blondie in a noose, but the raging war encroaches and drives them apart.
Upon his release, he tortured and killed Bradley, who falsely confessed that Marva was his willing accomplice.
Psycho then kidnapped and tortured Marva, hypnotically compelling her to marry him, and then subjecting her to daily occult experiments.
"There are some amusing instances of Filipinos who came in and said they would not say anything unless tortured; that they must have an excuse for what they proposed to say.
He said they were captured and tortured in order to secure information of the murder of Private O'Herne.
The lamentations are those of the tortured man's true vassals, who cry with the hope that the injured man may one day be delivered to them.
Before they get to Augier's castle, however, they pass the castle of the tortured knight.
Taulat begs Jaufre's mercy, but Jaufre lets the tortured knight decide Taulat’s fate.
However, as Jaufre had allowed the tortured knight to decide Taulat's fate, he is condemned for seven years to undergo the same torture as he had inflicted on others.
Saddened and enraged by Android 8's sacrifice, a new world of power suddenly awakens within Goku, as the ground shakes with his tortured screams.
In December 2005, the UN's case against Syria came under scrutiny when a main witness of the Mehlis Report (Hussam Taher Hussam) was publicly identified and dramatically recanted his testimony, claiming he had been bribed and tortured by Lebanese interests to testify against Syria.