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टॉर्चर करने वाले Meaning in English

टॉर्चर करने वाले शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : torturers

टॉर्चर-करने-वाले इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

" Prime Minister Nouri Maliki said the sentence may "help alleviate the pain of the widows and the orphans, and those who have been ordered to bury their loved ones in secrecy, and those who have been forced to suppress their feelings and suffering, and those who have paid at the hands of torturers" under Saddam's regime.

They toured North America playing shows with bands including Korn, Type O Negative, Genitorturers, and Queensrÿche.

The (female) torturers line up the 'prisoners' against a wall and pick out a young male visitor for the demonstration.

Sexual torture was used as a mechanism of terror, in which "male torturers threatened women prisoners with rape and humiliated them on the basis of their bodily functions".

One instance documented in Rojas’s narratives describes an interaction between her and male torturers, who force her to undress, then laugh as they electrocute her and menstrual blood drips down her legs.

The main aim of Gerard's torturers was to identify the London lodgings of Fr.

Recently they took him to the rack, where the torturers and examiners stood ready for work.

For example, in perhaps the most common variants on the scenario, one must assume that torturers know, with a reasonable degree of certainty that some form of deadly attack is imminent, but lack a crucial component of that plan, such as its precise location.

On the issue of the 1970s, Kirchner called attention on the many bishops "who weren't there while children were disappearing" and who "gave [the sacrament of] confession to torturers" of the Dirty War.

In 2005 the United Nations Committee against Torture, expressing concern over the failure to investigate allegations and a pattern of impunity for torturers, referred specifically to the Decree 56 amnesty.

In March 2000, King Hamad awarded several of the accused torturers with the Order of Shaikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa medal.

At its 34th session in 2005, the UN Committee against Torture noted the failure of Bahrain to investigate allegations and a pattern of impunity for torturers, including the Decree 56 amnesty.

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