मूर्खता Meaning in English
मूर्खता शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : stupidity
, foolishness
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
पैर पटकाना
पैर जमा लना
पद चाप
पैर ब्रेक
पैरों का जमाव
पैदल घोड़े
पद घोड़ा
फुट नाप
पाँव चक्की
पाद टिप्पणी
मूर्खता इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Furthermore, many of Bigot's laws reflected a paternal effort to save the people of an unsettled frontier society from their own foolishness and lack of civic sense.
Pauline Kael called the film "a small town comedy where the whole population is caught up in some glorious foolishness.
Ultron laments that the shield, which he calls a "frisbee", is an example of human foolishness given the rarity and strength of the metal it is made of.
Sportspeople from Saskatoon Doofus or dufus is slang for a person prone to stupidity or foolishness, and may refer to.
Little progress had been made in America whilst he had been away and he was to record that here I saw more of the foolishness, wickedness, and at the same time the invincibility, of American Negro-hate, than I ever saw elsewhere.
The first poem of the set follows the creatures' fall, from a state of innocence when In the first age the frogs dwelt at peace, into dissatisfaction, foolishness and disaster.
“For the word of the cross is to those who are perishing foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Cor 1:18).
Due to sheer foolishness only, Arjuna thought that he could bring back my child from another planet.
The character required a combination of foolishness, bravery, honour and anger.
" Regarding McCourt himself, says that "Teachers will all see through a lot of his yarns and predicaments … discovering underneath a lot of the foolishness of everyday life the author’s ability to teach.
Guy claims that it was Arthur's foolishness to have given away the necklace, and that Charlotte should feel no guilt in keeping it.
मूर्खता हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
उन दर्शकों में थे, जो उनकी मूर्खता से चुपचाप थे।
बहुत लोगों ने इस ऐलान की निंदा करी और कहा कि चोरी-क़त्लों के वातावरण में पुलिस को यह एक और कम ज़रूरी काम देना मूर्खता है।
२५ जून १९७५ के दिन डॉ॰ स्वामी जयप्रकाश नारायण के साथ रात्रिभोज कर रहे थे तो उन्होंने जी॰पी॰ को कहा की कुछ बड़ा आने वाला है तो जी॰पी॰ ने उनकी बात पर विश्वास नहीं किया, उन्होंने कहा की इंदिरा गाँधी ऐसी मूर्खता नहीं करेंगी।
"" बाद में, 2008–2009 के वैश्विक आर्थिक संकट पर फाइनेंशियल टाइम्स को दिए एक साक्षात्कार में वेल्श ने कहा, 'शेयरधारक का मूल्य दुनिया का सबसे मूर्खतापूर्ण विचार है।
यद्यपि थी तो यह बड़ी मूर्खता की बात, परन्तु चूँकि सारा देश तैयार था, इसलिए जो सेना उससे लड़ने के लिए भेजी गयी थी, वह भी अनवर से जा मिली।
फिर आगे चलकर हम एक नयनवाले राक्षसों के देश में पहुँचे और अपनी मूर्खता से एक राक्षस की गुफा में कैद हो गये।
उदाहरण के लिए उन्होंने सुझाव दिया कि बालिका लेडी मैकबेथ पहली भूमिका में एक मूर्खतापूर्ण सैन्य कार्यवाही के दौरान मृत्यु को संदर्भित करती है।
इनकी मूर्खता के कारण इनको शाप मिला।
'क्रीमिया की लड़ाई' को इतिहास के सर्वाधिक मूर्खतापूर्ण तथा अनिर्णायक युद्धों में से एक माना जाता है।
""अज्ञान- जड़ता, मूर्खता, अविद्या, मोह, अविवेक।
पिता की इच्छा को सुन कर दुःखावेग से रोती हुई राजकुमारी संयोगिता ने अपनी सखी को कहा, 'अहो ! पृथिवी पर स्थित हो कर चन्द्रमा को प्राप्त करने की ईप्सा मूर्खता ही है।
"" उनके खिलाफ़ इस प्रकार के संकीर्ण आरोप लगाना नितांत मूर्खता होगी।
"" कभी व्यक्ति बुद्धिमत्तापूर्वक और कभी मूर्खतापूर्वक व्यवहार करता है।
मूर्खता इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Dunces are not villains, although they can be villainous, as much as they are held up as the epitome of stupidity, imposture, and connivance.
He enjoys insulting his master for appearance and emotions, as well as stupidity.
Famed for his physical might and stupidity.
He was unimpressed by the administrative chaos in Dublin and the "crass stupidity which is so often found among police officers who have not been carefully selected".
Most of her humor revolves around her bigotry, her gullibility, her stupidity and her religious fanaticism.
Fred Beldin from Allmovie wrote that the film, "stretches the original plot line so thin that it snaps, with logical lapses and continuity gaffes galore, but because of so much damage and stupidity, Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch Out! emerges as the most entertaining entry in the series.
The party line was behind every line of news copy, not to mention the authoritative editorials, which exposed the "stupidity" of the enemy and the "triumphs" of the party in every issue.
To dump them and to destroy their training is an act of crass stupidity.
Miles and Take Your Pick were parodied in a Monty Python sketch (titled "Spot the Brain Cell" in its LP version), in which John Cleese as a quizmaster called Michael cheerfully mocks the stupidity of a female contestant played by Terry Jones.
Cowardice, stupidity, lawlessness?.
" Middleburgh residents sued and retorted that White was "a male child born some years ago in the village, whose early stupidity gave no indication of his future precocity.
That, in the circumstances, was culpable stupidity, though at the time it seemed more like an enjoyable joke".
"You're a damned fool! The disrespect! The stupidity! I'm a candidate for magistrate, I can't have killings in my yard!".