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पाँव Meaning in English

पाँव शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : feet
, foot

पाँव इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The park is listed (grade 2) by Historic England, It is accessed from the main retail/service/entertainment district by a footbridge over the Marlborough Street (B4146, V8) cutting, at the end of Midsummer Boulevard.

In 1963, Las Ticas, the Costa Rica women's national football team, spent six months in Mexico conducting a tour to increase exposure of the game.

, a former Uruguayan football club.

Sociedade Esportiva River Plate, a Brazilian football club.

SV River Plate Aruba, an Aruban football club.

Association football goalkeepers.

Romanian footballers.

Romania international footballers.

Romanian football managers A Master of Science degree in administration (abbreviated MScA, MSA, or MScA) is a type of Master of Science degree awarded by universities in many countries.

He won the Serie C2 and Serie C1, the fourth and the third highest football leagues in Italy.

The right foot was placed forward and the left foot behind, which although more straining a position than the other way around, kept the right hand in a better place for thrusting, and the left, unarmed side, farther away from the opponent.

After completing the 1930 season with a record of 9–4–1, the Bears and Cardinals played in the first indoor football game on December 15 at Chicago Stadium in a charity game for those affected by the Great Depression.

Place of death missing The 1959–60 European Cup was the fifth season of the European Cup, Europe's premier club football tournament.

Norm Willey (1927-2011), defensive lineman for the Philadelphia Eagles who returned to the high school after his NFL career to coach the school's football team.

In an effort to expand the Vixen fan base, the team moved stadiums to the suburb of Edina and also joined forces with RICCI Media to be the first Women's football team to expand their broadcasts to include all road games as well as home games.

Engineers from New York (state) The Bloomington Edge was a professional indoor football team based in Bloomington, Illinois.

Association football defenders.

Serbia and Montenegro international footballers.

Serbia international footballers.

Serbia and Montenegro expatriate footballers.

Serbia and Montenegro footballers.

Serbian expatriate footballers.

Expatriate footballers in Germany.

Serbian football managers.

Serbia national football team managers.

Players of American football from Mississippi.

Players of American football from Pennsylvania.

American football defensive tackles.

East Carolina Pirates football players.

पाँव हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

भूखे पेट, फटे और मैले कपड़ों में नंगे पाँव चलते हुए चक्कर खा कर गिर पड़ता है।

सामान्यीकृत हाइपोक्सिया: यह हाइपोक्सिया की वह स्थिति है जिसमे व्यक्ति अत्यधिक बीमार हो जाता है और इसके लक्षणों में शामिल है चक्कर आना, थकान, सुन्नता, मतली, अनॉक्सिता और पाँव में झुनझुनी होना।

"" बीसवीं सदी के मध्य तक उनके पाँव दुनिया के देशों से उखड़ने लगे और अपने उपनिवेशों को उन्हें स्वतंत्र करना पड़ा।

एक पाँव से साकी बनकर नाचूँगा लेकर प्याला,।

बहुत ही कम और पुरातन साधनो जैसे पाँव द्वारा संचालित ट्रेडल मशीन पर छपने वाला इसका तिरंगा आवरण और चित्रावलियाँ तब के जयपुर में एक अजूबा ही थी।

यह बात भले ही सोचने में काल्पनिक सा लगने लगा है हर उम्र के लोग इनकी कविता के इतने कायल से हो चुके हैं कि कानों में इसकी धुन भर से ही लोगों के पाँव थिरक उठते हैं, हाथों को रोके नहीं रोका जा सकता, बच्चा, बूढ़ा, जवान हर उम्र की जुबान पे, राजस्थान के कण-कण, ढाणी-ढाणी, में 'धरती धोरां री' गाये जाने लगा।

मैग्नेशियम की कमी से महिलाओं में कई समस्याएं दिखाई देती हैं, जैसे पाँवों की मांसपेशियाँ कमजोर होना (जिससे रेस्टलेस लेग सिंड्रोम होता है), पाँवों में बिवाइयां फटना, पेट की गड़बड़ी, एकाग्रता में कमी, रजोनिवृत्ति संबंधी समस्याओं का बढ़ना, मासिक-धर्म पूर्व के तनाव में वृद्धि आदि।

बालक बोला- भगवन! मेरे पाँव में इतनी शक्ति दे दो कि मैं कैलाश पर्वत पर अपने माता-पिता के पास पहुँच सकूं और वे मुझ पर प्रसन्न हो जाएँ।

धरे कुपथ पर जभी पाँव वह, तत्क्षण उसको टोक सके।

"" साथ ही ओंठों का कटना, गले तथा टांसिल में प्रदाह, हाथ पाँव और जोड़ों में हल्का दर्द, हरारत, सुस्ती, आँखों में जलन आदि शिकायत रहती है।

अमेरिकी फ़िल्में श्लीपद, फीलपाँव या हाथीपाँव (Elephantiasis) के रोगी के पाँव फूलकर हाथी के पाँव के समान मोटे हो जाते हैं।

'मुक्तक', 'आज सड़कों पर लिखे हैं', 'मत कहो, आकाश में', 'धूप के पाँव', 'गुच्छे भर', 'अमलतास',।

अन्य घटना नंगे पाँव है या कॉर्पोरेट बाउल है, जहां ऑस्ट्रेलिया में स्थापित क्लब ग्राहकों के खेलने के लिए अपने मैदान खोल देते हैं, जो टीम मैदान में कुछ घंटे साथ खेलने के लिए संगठित होते हैं।

पाँव इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

At the ages of twelve and thirteen, Chávez was a very thin child with unusually large feet, and Chávez's peers dubbed him "Tribilin", the Spanish name for the Disney character Goofy.

The graveyard was severely damaged, the level being reduced by at least three feet, exposing human remains in large quantity.

Stade, and with the help of many friends and relations, the castle grew to be thousands of square feet with towers five stories high.

This curious survival, is a device consisting of two wheels, 2 feet 8 inches in diameter, revolving on a single axle.

Transit with a length of 130 feet (39.

It has an average elevation of 84"nbsp;metres (276"nbsp;feet).

Four years earlier, the organization had introduced Willie Wiredhand, a character with a body of electric cable and electric plug feet.

7 meters (1,876 feet) in [above average terrain] (HAAT), the same used by its sister station 90.

One of his final major appearances came in the aftermath of the Royal Rumble — both Bret "the Hitman" Hart and Luger simultaneously eliminated each other, and two debating referees failed to agree on a winner — Tunney declared Bret Hart and Luger co-"winners" of the 1994 Royal Rumble after it could not be determined whose feet hit the floor first.

It is one in which young men, in country sport, propel a huge ball not by throwing it into the air but by striking it and skillfully rolling it along the ground, and that not with their hands but with their feet.

In 1856 the pit was extended down to a depth of 660 feet in order to access the Hutton Seam; in 1954 it was further deepened to reach the Busty Seam at a depth of 927 feet.

Tewodros refused to unconditionally surrender, but released the European hostages over the next two days, while the native hostages had their hands and feet amputated before being thrown over the edge of the precipice surrounding the plateau.

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