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मूठ Meaning in English

मूठ शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : fist
, handle

मूठ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Ford was known as an excellent ballhandler and penetrator who possessed a very accurate pull-up jump shot.

Data I/O developed a proprietary multiplexing scheme which allowed Unifamily programmers, equipped with their maximum number of hardware pin drivers, to handle devices with up to 240 pins.

The types of disputes handled in these hearings is governed by administrative law and auxiliarily by the civil trial law.

He agreed to handle the stock sale, but in turn, subcontracted with Greenfield, Lax " Co.

May handle the skull with their weapons.

Commentators had also expressed concern about AMC dealers being able to handle such an expensive and complicated car.

The modifications included; lower rear sprocket gearing, slightly more aggressive tires, shorter front fender, braced handlebar, high mount exhaust system and elimination of the tachometer.

// handle exception e.

All of the films are currently archived and handled by the ABS-CBN Film Archives and the Film Development Council of the Philippines' National Film Archives of the Philippines.

The movie also features Eddy Chandler, Mary Kornman, and Paul Fix.

Baal, a plain girl despite her voluptuous appearance in the game, has type I diabetes and is depressed from having recently broken up with her boyfriend, who couldn't handle her disease.

The stock transmission as well as other SR20 transmissions are often upgraded with various modifications in order to handle more power.

मूठ हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

1. शस्त्रों के मूठ एवं जोड़ मजबूत होने चाहिए।

इस्पात के बने धनुष की मूठ छोटी पकड़ की होती थी और उसका मध्यभाग सुंदरियों की भृकुटि के समान होता था।

फिर (जब बरदाश्त न हो सका तो) उसके मुन्किर हो गए ख़ुदा ने न तो कोई बहीरा (कान फटी ऊँटनी) मुक़र्रर किया है न सायवा (साँढ़) न वसीला (जुडवा बच्चे) न हाम (बुढ़ा साँढ़़) मुक़र्रर किया है मगर कुफ़्फ़ार ख़ुदा पर ख़्वाह मा ख़्वाह झूठ (मूठ) बोहतान बाँधते हैं और उनमें के अक्सर नहीं समझते (103)।

धनुष को प्राय: इतनी लंबी डोरी से कसते हैं कि कसने की ऊँचाई, यानी डोरी से मूठ के भीतरी भाग तक की दूरी, धनुर्धर के खुले अँगूठे सहित मुट्ठी के बराबर हो।

ऐ रसूल तुम कह दो कि बेषक जो लोग झूठ मूठ ख़़ुदा पर बोहतान बाधते हैं वह कभी कामयाब न होगें (69)।

वहाँ वह बिलकुल साधारण दिखाई है- ऊपरी हिस्सा गोल और भारी मूठ जिसे उन्होंने अपने पीछे के ऊपरी हाथ में पकड़कर कंधे पर उठाया हुआ है।

""नाग जगाई (फेगू, नाग, जगाई,सांग,तिनसोली व मूठ)।

डॉ॰ विजय शिंदे का आलेख - आधारहीन किसानों का खेती से पलायन 'मूठमाती'।

इस वाल्व को चलाने के लिए एक हथ लीवर और उसकी मूठ के साथ ही लगा एक अंगुष्ठ लीवर होता है।

परिदर्शी के तल भाग में लगी मूठों में से एक को घुमाने पर-आवर्धन का परिवर्तन प्रभावित होता है।

रोगियों को ब्लाइंड करने के लिए एक प्रस्तावित समाधान है 'छद्म एक्यूपंक्चर' का विकास, यानी, गैर-एक्यूपंक्चर बिन्दुओं पर या झूट-मूठ में सुई लगाना।

आसपास के गाँव के सम्पन्न जन इस काली छड़ी में चांदी या पीतल की मूठ लगा कर शान से आज भी रखें हैं ।

धनुष के मध्यभाग में, जो दृढ़ होता है और मोड़ा नहीं जा सकता, धनुष की मूठ होती है।

मूठ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

" Barthelemy was quite self-aware with regard to his temperament, viewing it as a strength and once remarking that, "People tend to underestimate me because I don't bang my fist on the table and jump up and scream.

The bile can be harvested using several techniques, all of which require some degree of surgery, and may leave a permanent fistula or inserted catheter.

The free drip method involves making a permanent hole, or fistula, in the bear's abdomen and gallbladder, from which bile freely drips out.

An AAF Vet Report states that surgeries to create free-dripping fistulae caused bears great suffering as they were performed without appropriate antibiotics or pain management and the bears were repeatedly exposed to this process as the fistulae often healed over.

The authorities required the adoption of the free-drip method which necessitates the creation of an artificial fistula between the gallbladder and the abdominal wall by opening a cut into the gallbladder.

The report also noted that the free-dripping technique promoted in the Technical Code was unsanitary as the fistula was an open portal through which bacteria could infiltrate the abdomen.

The report also stated that surgeries to create free-dripping fistulae caused bears great suffering as they were performed without appropriate antibiotics or pain management and the bears were repeatedly exposed to this process as the fistulae often healed over.

The free-dripping method still requires the bears to be prodded with a metal rod when the wound heals over and under veterinary examination, some bears with free-dripping fistulae were actually found to have clear perspex catheters permanently implanted into their gallbladders.

In addition to the suffering caused by infection and pain at the incision site, 28% of fistulated bears also experience abdominal hernias and more than one-third eventually succumb to liver cancer, believed to be associated with the bile-extraction process.

The maiden revives him by splashing water on his face, and Jaufre in his stupefied state mistakes the maiden for the enemy, strikes her a blow (with his fist) which would have proven lethal had it been his unsheathed sword in hand.

Zunft zu Pfisten in Luzern (1408), 5 foll.

On November 2002, a sculpture of a clenched fist with a raised thumb was unveiled in Galeshewe in honour of the Mayibuye Uprising.

Helena Swanwick (1864–1939), British feminist and pacifist.

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