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संभाला Meaning in English

संभाला शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : held
, handled

संभाला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The types of disputes handled in these hearings is governed by administrative law and auxiliarily by the civil trial law.

All of the films are currently archived and handled by the ABS-CBN Film Archives and the Film Development Council of the Philippines' National Film Archives of the Philippines.

The department handled foreign relations and issued passports, and until the mid-19th century had various domestic duties.

The term "fine chemicals" is used in distinction to "heavy chemicals", which are produced and handled in large lots and are often in a crude state.

The bulk of such work continues to be handled by solicitors.

In August 2012, Politico reported that "Ginsberg has handled the campaign's most sensitive legal matters.

The wastes should be handled by a licensed contractor and disposed of by a licensed facility.

Costello, handled the matter, saying that "he has as much notion of diplomacy as I have of astrology.

" Variety stated, "There's nothing that isn't familiar about the comedy in this Disney summer release, but it's so well handled that even anticipated gags come through with honors.

This is handled with PDF output by creating successive pages that preserve the layout but add new elements, so that advancing to the next page in the PDF file appears to add something to the displayed page, when in fact it has merely redrawn the page.

Production was handled by Kevyn Lewis, Danny Boy, Sean "Barney" Thomas, Daz Dillinger, Operation From The Bottom, Reggie Lamb, Roman Johnson and Snoop Dogg, with Suge Knight serving as executive producer.

Sheehy then conducted hundreds of phone interviews for the book, where she identified that those who attained well-being have a willingness to take risks and have experienced one or more important transitions in their adult years which they handled in an unusual, personal, or creative way.

The graphics and character art was cooperatively handled by Tohru Ohsawa, Naotaka Ohnishi, Satoshi Machida and Toshitaka Muramatsu.

संभाला हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""ऑटोमोबाइल को कई बंदरगाहों पर संभाला जाता है जिसे आमतौर पर विशेष रोल ऑन/रोल ऑफ जहाजों पर वहन किया जाता है।

वे हिन्दी में ऐतिहासिक और पौराणिक उपन्यास व कहानी लेखक के रूप में तो प्रसिद्ध हैं ही, उन्होंने प्रेमचंद के साथ हंस का संपादन दायित्व भी संभाला

इस दौरान वर्ष १९६७ से १९७२ तक वह महाराष्ट्र सरकार में राज्यमंत्री और वर्ष १९७२ से १९७८ तक कैबिनेट मंत्री रहीं उन्होंने कई महत्वपूर्ण मंत्रालयों का कार्यभार संभाला

प्रत्यय अमृत बिहार राज्य पुल निर्माण निगम लिमिटेड (बीआरपीएनएन) का नेतृत्व करने वाले पहले आईएएस अधिकारी थे - 11 जून 1975 को एक निगम बनाया गया था, और जब वह संभाला गया तो परिसमापन के कगार पर था।

1913 में फ्राउड के रिटायर होने के बाद मिलफोर्ड प्रकाशक बने और 1945 में रिटायर होने तक आकर्षक लन्दन व्यवसाय और इसे रिपोर्ट करने वाले शाखा कार्यालयों का शासन कार्य संभाला. प्रेस की वित्तीय स्थिति को देखते हुए कन्नान ने विद्वानों के पुस्तकों या यहां तक कि डिक्शनरी को असंभव देयताओं के रूप में महत्व प्रदान करना बंद कर दिया।

2004 में, राष्ट्रपति सुसीलो बंबांग युधोयोनो ने पद संभाला, इंडोनेशिया को प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश में 4.6 बिलियन डॉलर मिले।

"" उन्होंने २०१४ में अपनी सेवानिवृत्ति तक टेस्ट क्रिकेट में कप्तान का पदभार संभाला

वाइस एडमिरल ए जी थपलियाल नौचालन एवं वायुयान निर्देशन (एनडी) में विशेषज्ञ हैं तथा इन्होंने समुद्री एवं तटीय दोनों में विभिन्न सक्रिय एवं स्टाफ नियुक्तियों को संभाला है।

"" इसके बाद डॉ़ सेठना ने 1959 में ट्रांबे स्थित परमाणु ऊर्जा प्रतिष्ठान में प्रमुख वैज्ञानिक अधिकारी पद का कार्यभार संभाला

१५५३ तक इनके सौतेले भाई एडवर्ड ६ के शासनकाल के बाद इनकी बहन मैरी १ ने शासन संभाला

""कल्याणकारी अर्थव्यवस्था मालिक मोहम्मद रफीक रजूाना पाकिस्तान के प्रांत पंजाब के वर्तमान राज्यपाल हैं, वह 10 मई 2015 को इस पद का कलमन्दान संभाला

संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में, कुछ महिलाओं ने भी मवेशियों की देखभाल का कार्यभार संभाला और आवश्यक कौशल सीखा, हालांकि 'काउगर्ल' (नीचे चर्चा की गयी है) को 19वीं सदी की समाप्ति तक व्यापक रूप से मान्यता या अभिस्वीकृति नहीं मिली थी।

समझा जाता था, कि इन्होंने गौमाता की गद्दी लेकर शासन संभाला है और ये देश पर शासन और धार्मिक कृत्य करेंगें।

संभाला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Of these some who were armed with pikes, stood so motionless that you would have thought them held fast by clamps of bronze.

There, he would take fishing trips with his father; on days such as Easter, his family held picnics on the riverbank.

Nevertheless, Simón Bolívar, Simón Rodríguez (Bolívar's tutor and companion), and Ezequiel Zamora (a peasant leader who warred in support of the landless poor) held central importance for Chávez.

By virtue of having the most wins, the Flyers were accorded the league's best record and held home-ice advantage in the playoffs, where they eventually met the Sabres in the Stanley Cup Finals.

For 32 years (1977-2009) it was the owner of the MV Doulos, which until being sold to a Singaporean firm in 2010 held the record as the world's oldest active ocean-faring passenger ship (having been built in 1914, and being employed continually until 2009).

Sheldon Galbraith (born 1922), Canadian figure skating coach.

Year-round the lottery is held at the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Visitor Center in Kanab, Utah.

The gunman, 14-year-old Barry Dale Loukaitis (; born February 26, 1981), killed his algebra teacher and two students, and held his classmates hostage before a gym coach subdued him.

Despite assurances from Finkbeiner's housing commissioner, James Thurston, that the city would not be held financially responsible for the project, the project collapsed because the Finkbeiner Administration failed to clear the sale of the properties with the federal government, which had financed the apartments.

The waters of the well were held in high repute for their medicinal qualities, and the nobility and gentry took summer quarters in the valley to drink deep draughts of the water and take the country air.

Since 1988, the festival has held the Stockbridge Duck Race to raise money for local charities.

348 (2004), was a case in which the United States Supreme Court held that a requirement that a different Supreme Court decision requiring the jury rather than the judge to find aggravating factors would not be applied retroactively.

Arizona, which held that such aggravating factors had to be proved to a jury rather than a judge.

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