मशीनिस्ट Meaning in English
मशीनिस्ट शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : machinist
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
मैकेरल आकाश
स्थूल शरीर रचना विज्ञान
मशीनिस्ट हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
ओशे जैक्सन का जन्म 15 जून, 1969 को बाल्डविन हिल्स, साउथ सेंट्रल लॉस एंजेलिस, डोरिस के बेटे, एक अस्पताल के क्लर्क और कस्टोडियन और होसे जैक्सन के घर में हुआ था, जिन्होंने यूसीएलए में ग्राउंडस्किटर और मशीनिस्ट के रूप में काम किया था।
"" वे आखिरकार बर्कले, कैलिफोर्नियां के पश्चिमी तट पर बस गए और मशीनिस्ट बन गए।
'[10] हाँलाकि अपनी पिछली फ़िल्म 'द मशीनिस्ट$ में वे काफी वजन कम कर चुके थे, सो बेल ने इस रोल की शारीरिक मजबूती के लिए एक निजी प्रशिक्षक रखा ताकि वे निश्चित महीने तक खुद का 100 पाउण्ड (45 किग्रा) जितना वजन बढ़ा सके।
मशीनिस्ट इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Originally an engineer and machinist in the aerospace industry, Emerson became a knifemaker by producing knives for a martial arts class and making art knives early in his knifemaking career.
His parents were John Dauss, a machinist, and Anna E.
Henson never did any further aviation research while in the United States and worked as a machinist, civil engineer and inventor.
1835 UK Patent #4405 on ornamental lace-making improvements ("William Henson of Chard, machinist" - could be William Samuel Henson's father, who was also an inventor).
1850 US Census in Newark, New Jersey as machinist.
Forman Waye (1886–1967), Canadian merchant, machinist and political figure.
It transcended class barriers, appealing to professional engineers, jobbing machinists and anyone interested in making working mechanisms.
Most of these were published in Model Engineer, and brought the construction of small passenger hauling locomotives within the reach of the typical home machinist.
Karl (or Carl) Victor Mueller, 36, a machinist who helped gather production figures; and.
The plates were expendable, so it was not unusual as shown in both photos for a machinist to drill additional holes in the plates for attaching work that could not otherwise be attached.
By 1830, Queen Village as well as the southern parts of Southwark contained a thriving community of 20,000 who made their living as weavers, tailors, ship builders, mariners or as machinists and black smiths in iron foundries.
Fictional machinists.