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मैकेरल Meaning in English

मैकेरल शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : mackerel

मैकेरल हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

कावाकावा (लिटिल टूना या मैकेरल टूना) यूथायन्नुस एफ्फिनिस (कैंटर, 1849)।

पकड़ी जानेवाली मछलियों में हेरिंग का अनुपात सबसे अधिक रहता है; इसके बाद क्रमानुसार हैडक, कॉड, प्लेस, ह्वाइटिंग, मैकेरल इत्यादि आती हैं।

सूखी मछली: भुना हुआ और कद्दूकस किया मैकेरल (鯖), जापानी हॉर्स मैकेरल (鰺), आदि।

"" पकड़ी जानेवाली मछलियों में हेरिंग का अनुपात सबसे अधिक रहता है; इसके बाद क्रमानुसार हैडक, कॉड, प्लेस, ह्वाइटिंग, मैकेरल इत्यादि आती हैं।

बिबिन्का गोभी पुलाव क्रैब करी एग विंडालू फिश केक मछली गाशी फिश मोइली गोअन फिश करी गोअन मटन करी मैकेरल मसाला राइस चपाती सन्नास स्वीट पोटैटो खीर टोमैटो कोकोनट सूप सहजन के फूल के कटलेट मोएरा प्लैन्टेन क्रोक्वेट तिवाल।

मैकेरल इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

It is a small bay in a crescent moon shape with a hill on either side, with steep cliffs and rough waters with good mackerel fishing grounds underneath.

As a fisherman, Ó"nbsp;Criomhthain caught a wide variety of seafood, including scad, pilchard, mackerel, cod, herring, halibut, pollock,.

The waters of the Mira River support a variety of fish species including sea trout, shad, perch, American eel, striped bass, mackerel, herring, brook trout, speckled trout, minnows and smelt.

Marine Corporal Allison (Robert Mitchum) refers to some fellow Marines as "mackerel snappers" while talking with a Catholic nun, then catches himself and quickly explains away his faux pas by stating that they were the "best Marines".

The waitress says, "Can I have your orders?" One of the nuns responds, "Two mackerels.

Caranx itself is part of the larger jack and horse mackerel family Carangidae, which in turn is part of the order Carangiformes.

In the sea are the reefs of Bembridge Ledge which is rich in edible crabs, lobsters and spider crabs and shoals of mackerel.

A small fleet continues to fish out of Penberth, for bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), crabs and mackerel (Scomber scombrus).

Many of the cottages which can be rented have their own boats and, during the summer months, mackerel and pollack can be caught from them as well as a whole host of other species.

Barbe (barbel), Brasse (bream), Butt (flounder), Dorsch (cod), Felchen (whitefish/Coregonus wartmanni), Forelle (trout), Karpfen (carp), Lachs (salmon), Makrele (mackerel), Rochen (stingray), Salm (salmon), Schlei (tench), Stör (sturgeon), Wels (catfish), and Zander (zander).

Many people enjoy fishing trips departing from Beaumaris in these waters, catching mainly mackerel, but many other species are caught.

Steep Point is one of Australia's most renowned land-based game fishing places, with over 320 different species of fish that have been caught off the point, where mackerel, sailfish and trevally are the most common.

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