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भित्तिचित्र Meaning in English

भित्तिचित्र शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : mural
, fresco

भित्तिचित्र इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In 1612, the painter Guido Reni left Rome for his native Bologna and on 8 March 1612 gave instructions to the engraver Luca Ciamberlano to collect the remainder of his fees from Reverenda Camera Apostolica for the frescos he had painted in the Borghese Chapel in the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore.

Because of the dominating architectural layout, the figures within the fresco are all formed and placed to be in a mathematically accurate spatial construction, in which all of the orthogonals join together at the single "vanishing" point on the painting's horizon.

It appears likely that the Lute Player was originally intended as a decoration for the studiolo on the first floor of the Casino on the Pincio that Del Monte had acquired in 1596, and where Guercino would later paint his fresco of Aurora for the Ludovisi.

Other frescoes from the 16th century are in the next chapel.

Although the three paintings by Caravaggio are today the star attraction of the chapel, the frescos by Cesari, who is considered by academics to have been overshadowed by Caravaggio, have been increasingly appreciated for their Mannerist style.

The setting of the fresco is celestial with Christ surrounded by angels and reclining on clouds.

Stradanus made a fundamental contribution to the detailed designs of the fresco's, which were then executed by him and workshop assistants.

Although the configuration of this space has changed since the artwork was created, there are clear indications that the fresco was aligned very precisely in relationship with the sight-lines and perspective arrangement of the room at the time; particularly a former entrance-way facing the painting; in order to enhance the tromp-l'œil effect.

It houses a precious Byzantine fresco of Christ Pantocrator.

He is best known for his frescoes.

These "Theran" frescoes are the first botanically accurate visual representations of saffron's use as an herbal remedy.

Athanasius participated in the church sobors of 1553 and 1554 as a witness with regards to the restoration of icons and frescos in the Kremlin cathedrals after the fire of 1547.

Apollo and Athena fresco c.

भित्तिचित्र हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

टाइपोग्राफी का टाइपसेटर, कम्पोजिटर, टाइपोग्राफर, ग्राफिक डिजाइनर, कला निर्देशक, कॉमिक बुक कलाकार, भित्तिचित्र कलाकार तथा क्लैरिकल वर्करों द्वारा किया जाता है।

एक हाथी के हमला करने पर बुद्ध द्वारा इस मुद्रा का प्रयोग करके उसे शांत किया गया था, विभिन्न भित्तिचित्रों और आलेखों में इसे दिखाया गया है।

भित्तिचित्र अभिलेखात्मक और वास्तुकारी अक्षरीकरण;।

क्नोसस के राजमहल के भग्नावशेष से प्रगट है कि उसमें समृद्धि का निवास था और उसमें भव्य भित्तिचित्रों से अलंकृत बड़े बड़े हाल और ऊपरी मंजिलों में जाने के लिए चक्करदार सोपानमार्ग (जीने) थे।

इसी काल से किताबों की सजावट या व्यक्तिगत लघुचित्रों में भित्तिचित्रकारी का स्थान एक प्रमुख शैली के रूप में विकसित हुआ।

मकबरे के भीतरी हिस्से में भित्तिचित्रों की सुंदर सजावट है।

मध्यकालीन भारतीय मंदिरों के भित्तिचित्रों और आकृतियों में होली के सजीव चित्र देखे जा सकते हैं।

इन भित्तिचित्रों के नीचे चारों स्तंभों के कोनों पर पंख फैला कर उड़ती हुई चार परियां भी उत्कीर्ण की गयी हैं।

तमिलनाडु की सांस्कृतिक विशेषता तंजावुर के भित्तिचित्र, भरतनाट्यम्, मंदिर-निर्माण तथा अन्य स्थापत्य कलाएं हैं।

इनका बड़ा संग्रह परोक्ष रूप मे फूलदानओं पर उकेरी कला कृतियों के रूप में, भित्तिचित्रों कि द्वारा दुनिया कि उत्पत्ति के विवरणओं, जीवन और देवताओं, देवी, नायकों, नायिकाओं और पौराणिक प्राणियों की एक विस्तृत विविधता के रोमांच की व्याख्या करने का प्रयास करतए है।

कोटा की यह हवेली अनोखे भित्तिचित्रों और चित्रकारी के लिए प्रसिद्ध है।

"" चित्रकला को कम महत्व का मानने के बावजूद, माइकल एंजेलो ने पश्चिमी कला के इतिहास में दो सबसे प्रभावशाली भित्तिचित्रों का निर्माण किया: रोम में सिस्टिन चैपल की छत पर 'जेनेसीस' के दृश्य, और उसकी वेदी की दीवार पर 'दी लास्ट जजमेंट'।

""हिप- हॉप संस्कृति के अन्य पहलुओं की तरह भित्तिचित्र लेखन एमसिंग और डी जिंग, जो पुरूष वर्ग का प्रतिनिधित्व करते है, ब्रेकिंग के प्रमुख कलाकार है।

भित्तिचित्र इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Traces of now destroyed murals were found on the walls as well.

The venue also hosts various intramural athletic events.

Bluevale provides opportunities for participation in athletics including intramurals, team sports and individual-based programs.

These tall, square-shaped buildings, somewhat isolated from the rest, are adorned by murals made by famous Mexican muralists David Alfaro Siqueiros (Rectorate Tower) and Juan O'Gorman (Central Library).

The latter, recognized as the largest mural in the world, covering all sides of the Library, based on Aztec and Spanish motifs and UNAM's coat of arms, makes the Central Library Ciudad Universitaria's most iconic building.

Eugenio Peschard designed the science building; it features a mural by José Chávez Morado entitled The Conquest of Energy.

Bridge House offers individual tuition for music learners in the following disciplines, either as an extra mural activity, or as a curriculum subject:.

These activities and events include: The ArtSci Musical, organized intramural teams, a semesterly coffee house, regular informal drop-in events at the Arts and Science office, and more.

The university also offers several club and intramural sports.

The play text was inspired by interviews with the residents on the estate while Flat 14 on the 9th floor was designed with installations of found objects as well as the competition pictures of the local primary children, painted murals of the early teen crews, and graffiti of local tagger Edge.

Pablo O'Higgins, American-Mexican artist, muralist and illustrator of Irish descent.

Many of them are perched villages, such as Belvédère at the entrance to the spectacular Gordolasque valley, concealing great architectural riches (numerous churches decorated with murals and altar pieces by primitive Niçois painters).

The hall, which was officially opened on 10 February 1968, is distinguished by its mural which was painted with the help of local community members under the direction of artists Siv Grava and John Turpie.

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