तरोताजा Meaning in English
तरोताजा शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : fresh
, freshen
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तरोताजा ढंग सेफ्रेशमैन वर्ग
मीठे पानी
मीठे पानी का
मीठे पानी लंगड़ाहट
झल्लाहट के साथ
तरोताजा इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Sweet scented champak flowers freshen the air.
The first Chinese Super League (CSL) season was greeted with great enthusiasm by the media and the FA, with the decision to create a new top tier league in China made in order to freshen up Chinese football.
If the costume becomes extensively damaged she can spontaneously "freshen up" and cause it to rearrange itself on a molecular level to recover her.
To make matters worse, a freshening wind made getting another hawser across to her even more difficult.
Virtual Console games for Wii U Mukhwas is a colorful Indian-Pakistani after-meal snack or digestive aid widely used as a mouth freshener, especially after meals.
In early 2011, he and another MK sprayed air freshener in the Knesset, complaining about the "stench of bad politics".
ATV provide different animations each season, to freshen up what was available to each company.
Southernwood has a strong camphor-like odour and was historically used as an air freshener or strewing herb.
The center dashboard fascia has freshened design and add more features such as sat-nav, cameras, etc.
It is claimed that these bubbles will clean, whiten, and freshen the mouth.
To keep the air fresh, especially during rush hours each bus is equipped with automatic air freshener dispensers which periodically spray car fragrance.
They are described by the manufacturer as a "breath-freshening mint" rather than simply a "breath mint," one of the two descriptions used for standard Certs.
He asked and was allowed to bathe and freshen up.
तरोताजा हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
सुबह उठने के बाद तरोताजा महसूस न करना।
यहां की शीतलता में नहाकर पर्यटकों का मन तरोताजा हो जाता है।
योगनिद्रा लें और दिनभर तरोताजा रहें।
नीलकंठ महादेव के रास्ते में गढ़वाल मंडल विकास निगम एक छोटे से सुविधा-केन्द्र का परिचालन भी करता है जहां आप अपने आप को तरोताजा कर सकते हैं।
योगासन, भावातीत ध्यान तथा सिद्धि सूत्रों का नियमित अभ्यास करते सभी वैदिक विश्वप्रशासक, छात्र,छात्राएं, शिक्षक तथा कर्मचारीगण गुरुकुल शिक्षाप्रणाली की याद तरोताजा कर देते है।
ऐसा माना जाता है कि दिन भर तरोताजा रहने और स्फूर्ति बनाए रखने के लिए एक गिलास गुनगुने पानी में एक नीबू का रस व एक चम्मच शहद मिलाकर पीना चाहिए।
"" यहां तरोताजा करने वाले जल-प्रपात है; रंग-बिरंगे फूलों वाले पौधे हैं, दुर्लभ वनस्पतियां व जीव-जंतु हैं, पवित्र जंगल हैं, हमेशा बहने वाली नदियां हैं, पर्वतों-पहाड़ियों पर बिखरी हरी विभा है और टेढ़े-मेढ़े गिरने वाले झरने हैं।
आप तरोताजा हो रहे हैं।
उनकी वजह से चमड़ी और त्वचा में निखार और तरोताजापन आने लगता है।
शुक्र की भूमी बिखरे शिलाखंडों का एक सूखा मरुद्यान है और समय-समय पर ज्वालामुखीकरण द्वारा तरोताजा की हुई है।
जंगल की शांति एवं सुन्दरता मनुष्य की सारी थकान समाप्त कर उसे फिर से तरोताजा कर deti hai।
इसके पुष्प की सुगन्ध, विभिन्न रंग, कम वजन एवं अधिक दिनों तक तरोताजा बने रहने के कारण मुख्य दस कर्तित पुष्पों में इसका स्थान है।
""हे शीतिका (शीतल पौधे), हे शीतलाप्रद औषधि, हे ह्लादिका (तरोताजा करने वाली बूटी) आनन्द बिखेरती हुई मेढकी के साथ पूर्णरूपेण घुल-मिल जाओ।
तरोताजा इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Writing in The Zombie Movie Encyclopedia, academic Peter Dendle stated the film has had a negative reception, but it "presents a simple, unhurried, and unpretending appreciation of zombies and their habitat, a fresh and provocative desert landscape.
These were originally used as a drawing room, refreshment room and ballroom.
Dubbed "Mutant - År Noll" the game uses the same premise as the original 1984 version and "Undergångens Arvtagare", but once more offers a brand-new setting: the game world is set several hundred years earlier, when the apocalypse is still fresh and mutations are new and unstable.
All violence or excess was of course to be carefully avoided, but fresh air, gentle exercise and walking was as necessary as food or rest, according to Cheyne.
At age 19, as a college freshman, Driscoll converted to evangelical Christianity.
With the increasing availability of mass-produced freshwater fish keeping products and popularity of fish keeping following the First World War, many artists began exploring the new possibilities of creating an aquarium that didn't have fish as the main attraction.
This style was developed in the Netherlands starting in the 1930s, as freshwater aquarium equipment became commercially available.
Fish, or freshwater shrimp such as Caridina multidentata and Neocaridina davidi, are usually selected to complement the plants and control algae, but for reasons of minimalism the number of species are often limited.
Dutch and nature style aquascapes are traditionally freshwater systems.
An arrangement of live rock forms the main structure of this aquascape, and it is populated by corals and other marine invertebrates as well as coralline algae and macroalgae, which together serve much the same aesthetic role as freshwater plants.
In addition to design, freshwater aquascaping also requires specific methods to maintain healthy plants underwater.
The Aquatic Gardeners Association, based in the United States, Aqua Design Amano, based in Japan, and AquaticScapers Europe, based in Germany, also conduct annual freshwater aquascaping contests.
Capesthorne Hall is a member of the Historic Houses Association, and the hall, chapel and gardens are open to the general public on advertised times between March and October, for which there is an admission charge, and refreshments are available for visitors.