बुद्धिमत्ता पूर्वक Meaning in English
बुद्धिमत्ता पूर्वक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : wisely
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
बुद्धिमानी सेअक्ल से
वाइज़न बियर
इच्छा पूरा करना
इच्छा पूरी करना
कामना करना
तीव्र इच्छा करना
शुभकामना करना
शुभकामना देना
इच्छा होना करना
बुद्धिमत्ता-पूर्वक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
(16) धीमान बुद्धिमत्ता पूर्वक निर्माण कार्य करवाने के कारण अभिनव भरता चार्य श्रेष्ठ वीणा वादक एवं संगीत के छेत्र में कुंभा के विपुल ज्ञान के कारण संगीत प्रेम के कारण प्रजा पालक जनता का हितैषी होने के कारण।
""(16) धीमान बुद्धिमत्ता पूर्वक निर्माण कार्य करवाने के कारण अभिनव भरता चार्य श्रेष्ठ वीणा वादक एवं संगीत के छेत्र में कुंभा के विपुल ज्ञान के कारण संगीत प्रेम के कारण प्रजा पालक जनता का हितैषी होने के कारण।
बुद्धिमत्ता-पूर्वक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
" Kevin Thomas of the Los Angeles Times was positive, writing "Escapist entertainment it assuredly is, yet Frisby has wisely provided enough quiet moments between his gags to allow his characters to become real enough to care about.
Concerned that revenue from a new Wasilla sales tax would not be spent wisely, Palin ran for mayor of Wasilla in 1996, defeating incumbent mayor John Stein 651 to 440 votes.
Campbell criticized the idea of a downtown, saying, "The city should instead be focusing on spending its dollars wisely.
While the Khwarazmians were disposed on lower ground and flat lands, the Georgian who had arrived earlier were deployed wisely on top of surrounding plateaus and established a strategic advantage for the arriving main army.
" James Mullinger of GQ also commented on the structure of the story in saying that the "film clumsily tries to explain the origins of James [Howlett], AKA Wolverine, which had wisely only ever been briefly referred to in the original X-Men saga.
At the same time I think there is a limitation, that he does certain things better than others, and he hasn't always chosen so wisely.
Everyone goes into a room with trays and a note that says, "choose wisely, only one gives you the power, the others are full of calories".
Unwisely, Campbell decided to answer his critics by issuing a volume entitled simply The New Theology, a restatement of Christian beliefs to harmonize with modern critical views and beliefs.
She accused him of homosexuality, and unwisely used this as grounds for mental cruelty, as he had denied her a judicial separation.
Wade Phillips 3-4 defense led the league in most defensive categories and was wisely considered the best of the NFL.
GameSpot said of the PC version, "The designers wisely recognized that the subtlety of monster truck racing cried out for the added nuance that only a professional wrestling tie-in could bestow.
By the fourth year of publication, many fanzines and amateur publications began cropping up, and Avalon Hill promoted the sale of such, wisely suggesting that these amateur publications were good for the growth of the wargaming hobby.
Regarding miraculous cures, Kardec wisely states that these, if frequent enough, would have been a hindrance to the development of mankind.