शुभकामना करना Meaning in English
शुभकामना करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : wish
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
शुभकामना देनाइच्छा होना करना
टोपी की कामना
स्वास्थ्य की कामना करना
इच्छा सूची
वमन करने की इच्छा करना
छापे के अक्षर ढालने का कामना
के लिए कामना की
विट सन्डे
चुहे का शिकार करने वाला
डायन चिकित्सक
विच ग्रास
शुभकामना-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
from The Pittsburgh Press picked the song as the album's "centerpiece", calling it "a real-life, down-to-earth song" that Barbra Streisand "will no doubt wish she had been given.
Due to the fragile nature of the formation and the large number of people wishing to visit it, a daily lottery system is used to dispense only ten next-day permits in person at the Kanab visitor center.
It has also been suggested that those wishing to fast, in honour of the Virgin Mary, from one of the six Lady Days, could choose one at random by catching one of six strings attached to named spokes.
The early Forty-Niners of the California Gold Rush wishing to come to California were faced with limited options.
Moreover, he wished all the Methodists "might get it by Heart".
I wish I could do for you what you want and desire.
This project was initiated by the Jewish Painter and Sculptor Otto Freundlich, who was killed in a German concentration camp during World War II.
His situation in Brøndby had not become better, resulting in Stefán wishing to leave the club in the next transfer season.
She founded the Abbey in 1881 as a mausoleum for her husband and son, wishing that the burial site should be a place of prayer and silence.
In June 2014 Torres signed for Conference South side Whitehawk, citing his wife's desire to stay living in Brighton, the lack of offers from Football League teams and a wish to play under The Hawks manager Steve King as the reasons for dropping down three divisions.
Mazumdar agreed to undertake the job on the condition that if she did not wish to continue six months later she would be given a brewmaster's position comparable to the one she was giving up.
Initially, the station planned to become a locally focused independent station, with WBCT's management concerned that Bridgeport was being served only by New York City stations; a year later, however, the station had changed its plans and planned to implement cultural programming aimed at the Jewish community in the New York City market as a whole.