फ्रीमेसनरी Meaning in English
फ्रीमेसनरी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : freemasonery
, freemasonry
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
जम ज्ना
जम जाना
नीचे फ्रीज
फ्रीज फ्रीजर
बंद फ्रीज
मालबोट भाड़ा
भाड़ा दर
माल वाहक
फ्रीमेसनरी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
He subsequently was active in freemasonry in Lisbon and came into conflict with the Portuguese Inquisition.
From 1979 to 1983 he was Grand Master Mason of Scotland, the head of Scottish freemasonry.
Coustos is primarily known for his involvement with freemasonry after joining the Premier Grand Lodge of England in London (where he was allegedly a spy for British Whig Prime Minister, Robert Walpole).
An Order of DeMolay Chapter, a youth fraternal group for young men originating in freemasonry, was founded around 1965 in Jaro, and named Graciano Lopez-Jaena Chapter because Lopez Jaena was the first and foremost Freemason from Jaro.
The book draws on the writings of freemasonry to support its claim that Greco-Roman mystery religion originates from an "Egyptian Mystery System".
The Belgian Federation of Le Droit Humain (French: la Fédération Belge du Droit Humain; Dutch: Belgische Federatie van Le Droit Humain) is a Belgian cupola of masonic lodges which is accessible for men and women, and works in the 33 symbolic degrees of freemasonry.
On 15 August 1896, in connection with the solemn commemoration of Mamiani decreed by the city of Pesaro, the "11 September 1860" Masonic Lodge made public his membership of freemasonry and on 20 August that year had affixed to his monument a bronze crown with the wording "To Brother Terenzio Mamiani, the Freemasonry of Italy".
The ORCM was an active movement, and from its presses came several books and numerous pamphlets on the Mass, modest dress, freemasonry, obedience to the Pope, and modern trends in the Catholic Church.
Evans was involved in both York Rite (including the Masonic "Knights Templar") and Scottish Rite freemasonry.
In 1896 Vaughan was the subject of an hoax making alleged revelations as to the practice of devil-worship by the initiates of freemasonry, and that Thomas had helped to found freemasonry as a Satanic society.
The society combines a kind of freemasonry with political and law enforcing aims.
फ्रीमेसनरी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
1974 में, उन्होंने नाटक मास्कोमिया में मुख्य भूमिका निभाई, निर्देशित किया और खेला, जिसने फ्रीमेसनरी, कम्युनिज्म और यहूदी धर्म को बुराई के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया।
वाइसहाउप्त ने कुछ हद तक अपना समूह फ्रीमेसनरी पर प्रतिमानित किया और कई इलूमिनाती खण्डों ने मौजूदा मेसोनिक लॉज से सदस्यता आकर्षित की।
"" इसका भावी गुप्त परम्पराओं पर गहरा प्रभाव पड़ा, जैसे रोसीक्रुसीएनिज्म (Rosicrucianism) और फ्रीमेसनरी (Freemasonry), ये दोनों ऐसे समूह गणित के अध्ययन को समर्पित थे, दोनों का दावा था कि वे पाइथोगोरियन ब्रदरहुड से विकसित हुए हैं।
इसका भावी गुप्त परम्पराओं पर गहरा प्रभाव पड़ा, जैसे रोसीक्रुसीएनिज्म (Rosicrucianism) और फ्रीमेसनरी (Freemasonry), ये दोनों ऐसे समूह गणित के अध्ययन को समर्पित थे, दोनों का दावा था कि वे पाइथोगोरियन ब्रदरहुड से विकसित हुए हैं।