हिमांक Meaning in English
हिमांक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : ice point
, freezing point
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
मालबोट भाड़ाभाड़ा दर
माल वाहक
नि: फ्रेंच
फ्रांसदेशीय सेम
फ्रेंच ब्रेकन
फ्रेंच honeysuckle
फ़्रेंच कनाडी
फ्रेंच लीव
कनाडा के फ्रेंच
फ्रेंच लोग
फ्रेंच पॉलिश चपड़ा
फ्रांसीसी शिक्षक
हिमांक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The mercury may touch the freezing point during cold spells.
When the Banat Air flight was cleared for takeoff, the outside temperature was below the freezing point.
Blagden's experiments on how dissolved substances like salt affected the freezing point of water led to the discovery that the freezing point of a solution decreases in direct proportion to the concentration of the solution, now called Blagden's Law.
The region has record temperatures ranging from below freezing point in the winter to over 50"nbsp;°C in summer.
During the winter it is possible to trek, but the vast majority of places of accommodation are closed and the cold is intense and it is rarely above freezing point.
Vodka can be stored as a liquid well below the freezing point of water because of its high proof and low particulate content, and cocktails made with sub-freezing vodka are sometimes requested to minimize the amount of added water from melted ice during shaking.
It does not usually fall below freezing point in the winter months from November to February.
Only a telescope located at the North Pole or South Pole would offer a relatively static view of the sky, although the freezing point of mercury and the remoteness of the location would need to be considered.
In the extraordinary winter cold spell of 2012–13, the minimum temperature of Farrukhabad hovered around freezing point for over a week.
Allowing the interior temperature to rise above freezing point risks weakening the shelter significantly, especially if the outside air temperature is near freezing.
The main form of SVO/PPO used in the UK is rapeseed oil (also known as canola oil, primarily in the United States and Canada) which has a freezing point of .
One strange phenomenon they meet is that the sea on the comet does not freeze, even though the temperature drops below the freezing point (believed to be due to the theory that a stagnant water surface resists freezing longer than when rippled by wind).
The laboratory value measures the freezing point depression, properly called osmolality while the calculated value is given in units of osmolarity.
हिमांक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
एथिलीन ग्लाइकोल को पानी में मिलाने पर पानी का हिमांक गिर जाता है।
""यदि अल्कोहल का स्तर काफी कम है और फ्रीजर काफी ठंडा (सार्थक रूप से हिमांक बिन्दु से नीचे) हो तो ठोस क्रिस्टलों का रूप ले लेगा (जो वास्तव में अल्कोहोल का पतला मिश्रण) होगा. यदि इन बर्फ 'क्रिस्टलों' को हटा दिया जाऐ, तो शेष वोडका अल्कोहोल में समृद्ध हो जाएगा.।
सामान्य वायुमण्डलीय दाब पर द्रव का ठोस अथवा वाष्प में परिवर्तन निश्चित तापों पर होता है जिनको हिमांक और क्वथनांक कहते हैं।
कई पदार्थों में परमशीतल होने की क्षमता होती है, इसलिए हिमांक को किसी पदार्थ की एक विशेष गुण नहीं माना जाता है।
तरल धातु एक मजबूत अपनी गलनांक / हिमांक से नीचे सर्द करने की प्रवृत्ति है।
जलकण बनने के उपरांत भी यदि वायु का ताप कम होते होते हिमांक से भी कम हो जाता है, तो जलकण हिमकणों का रूप धारण कर लेते हैं जिससे हिमवर्षा होती है।
यदि दो भिन्न द्रवों से थर्मामीटर बनाकर उपर्युक्त विधि से अंकित किए जाएँ तो हिमांक और क्वथनांक को छोड़कर अन्य तापों पर सामान्यत: उनके पाठयांकों में भेद पाया जाएगा।
यदि अल्कोहल का स्तर काफी कम है और फ्रीजर काफी ठंडा (सार्थक रूप से हिमांक बिन्दु से नीचे) हो तो ठोस क्रिस्टलों का रूप ले लेगा (जो वास्तव में अल्कोहोल का पतला मिश्रण) होगा. यदि इन बर्फ 'क्रिस्टलों' को हटा दिया जाऐ, तो शेष वोडका अल्कोहोल में समृद्ध हो जाएगा.।
अल्कोहोल का हिमांक कम होने के कारण वोडका को फ्रीजर अथवा बर्फ में जल के क्रिस्टलीकरण के बिना भंडारित किया जा सा सकता है।
कीटों की ऐसी कई जातियाँ हैं जो हिमांक से भी लगभग 50 सेंटीग्रेट नीचे के ताप पर जीवित रह सकती हैं।
हिमांक (ice point) The melting point of ice when in equilibrium with water saturated with air at standard atmospheric pressure.।
इसके अलावा, जल के हिमांक बिन्दु से बहुत कम ताप होने के कारण यह अनेकानेक कार्यों के लिए अत्यन्त उपयोगी है।
""उदाहरण- सेंटीग्रेड तापमापक का अधोबिंदु शुद्ध जल का हिमांक माना गया है और ऊर्ध्वबिंदु क्वथनांक।
हिमांक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Extensive wine lists and full-service bars are also available at all locations and have garnered recognition for its philosophy of offering value at all price points.
The challenge is to operate these monolithic cavities at the kW CW power level in large mode area (LMA) fibers such as 20/400 (20"nbsp;μm diameter core and 400"nbsp;μm diameter inner cladding) without premature failures at the intra-cavity splice points and the gratings.
In early 2005, Koch Media launched its "Hammerprice" line of budget games, which repackaged older titles at a €10 price point.
Banks also provide a sampling of the private banking services at a lower price point than traditional private banking.
Price points are on par with those at sister brand Hollister Co.
" In June 2005, Raf by Raf Simons was launched, which was sold at a lower price point.
As in the article on the Gauss circle problem, one can compute this by approximating the number of lattice points inside of a quarter circle centered at the origin, concluding that the residue is one quarter of pi.
One can nevertheless reduce the computation of the residue to a lattice point counting problem using the classical theory of real and complex embeddings and approximate the number of lattice points in a region by the volume of the region, to complete the proof.
Since the point may not be on a lattice point, the lattice values must be interpolated; most products use trilinear interpolation.
Customer service point(CSP).
Of the Xbox 360 version, he argued that the game itself was excellent, but it was a somewhat dated experience: "Ultimately, the things that might prevent you from enjoying Metal Slug 3, such as the number of times it's been released on other systems, its relative price point, and the lack of extras, are peripheral to the experience itself.
One by Gotthold Eisenstein counts lattice points.
The sum \sum_u \left \lfloor qu/p \right \rfloor counts the number of lattice points with even x-coordinate in the interior of the triangle ABC in the following diagram:.
Because each column has an even number of points (namely q−1 points), the number of such lattice points in the region BCYX is the same modulo 2 as the number of such points in the region CZY:.
where μ is the total number of lattice points in the interior of AYX.