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फंदा बनाना Meaning in English

फंदा बनाना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : trap

फंदा-बनाना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

It is hinged and has a mechanism that snaps shut when stimulated by a pollinator, thus trapping the insect to ensure that the pollinia will be removed and later transferred to the receptive surface.

The biggest reason for the steep decline in langur population numbers was illegal poaching and trapping of the langurs for traditional medicinal purposes.

Selecucus Nucator ceded the satrapies, including those in Baluchistan to the expanding Mauryan Empire.

He is pursued by the car into a mountainous canyon area where his remaining deputies have set a trap for the machine.

Also, if the inner core grows by precipitation of frozen particles falling onto its surface, then some liquid can also be trapped in the pore spaces.

The first band performance at MomoCon happened in 2009: The Extraordinary Contraptions, a Steampunk-themed rock band.

" He is given a background common of protagonists in inspirational American stories; "he comes from a poor family; he does not know the identity of his father; he refuses to be trapped by fine clothing, social position, or wealth," and he has plenty of "heroic qualities" such as his intelligence, compassion, and clear observation.

At anthesis, both the style-end and the anthers are trapped within the limb, so that when the anthers release their pollen, the pollen adheres to the style-end.

In addition, it approves the development of infrastructure planned by utilities and their issuance of securities, establishes tolls and conditions of service for intraprovincial oil pipelines, and has responsibility for electric power transmission facilities and energy supply contracts.

The name comes from the way in which small insects are trapped by the sticky sap exuded onto the stem.

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