ट्रैपडोर Meaning in English
ट्रैपडोर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : trapdoor
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ट्रैपडोर हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" कहानी की मुख्य विशेषताओं में वॉरीअर का अपहरण और द डिसाईपल में परिवर्तन और जादूई धुएं का लगातार उदाहरण शामिल है जो केवल हॉलीवुड होगेन के लिए सभी एनडबल्यू सदस्यों को बाहर कर देता है (और रिंग में एक ट्रैपडोर के माध्यम से वॉरिअर के चालों को कवर करती है).।
ट्रैपडोर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
For scenes in which characters are dropped out of the trapdoor of Valmont's plane, G.
Riders can either plunge down 300-foot-long speed slides, or slide through one of two enclosed helixes that utilize Proslide's SKYBOX technology, a drop pod that launches riders into the slide via a trapdoor.
He falls through a trapdoor when he rings the doorbell, and follows footprints, even climbing up a wall (which makes him think that the culprit might be the Human Fly) to a mousehole.
He finds a trapdoor in one of the oldest parts.
The Midrash taught that Noah managed to move the waste by arranging a kind of trapdoor through which he shoveled it sideways.
Access to hidden rooms could be attained through a trapdoor accessible through the ceiling of the projection room.
The animals and slaves could be let up through trapdoors under the sand-covered arena at any time during a fight.
While in Old Juliana, Mickle comes across a trapdoor leading to a water canal, and her memories race in her mind as she remembers her childhood.
A trapdoor opens and they fall into a room where they meet the five Robot Elders.
Bart decides that Burns is his true father and they celebrate by randomly firing Springfield Nuclear Power Plant employees by dropping them through a trapdoor.
Instead Bart "fires" Burns by dropping him through the trapdoor.
In the third level of some versions, in order to reach the final floor without being eaten by a plant sprouting from out of nowhere, the player must choose between three different trapdoors, and the correct trapdoor varies from game to game.