प्लस्स Meaning in English
प्लस्स शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : plus
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प्लस्स इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The model assumes that a developing economy has a surplus of unproductive labor in the agricultural sector.
The "Dual Sector Model" is a theory of development in which surplus labor from traditional agricultural sector is transferred to the modern industrial sector whose growth over time absorbs the surplus labour, promotes industrialization and stimulates sustained development.
Since Lewis in his model considers overpopulated labour surplus economies he assumes that the supply of unskilled labour to the capitalist sector is unlimited.
This group of farmers that is not producing any output is termed surplus labour since this cohort could be moved to another sector with no effect on agricultural output.
(The term surplus labour here is not being used in a Marxist context and only refers to the unproductive workers in the agricultural sector.
If a quantity of workers moves from the subsistence to the capitalist sector equal to the quantity of surplus labour in the subsistence sector, regardless of who actually transfers, general welfare and productivity will improve.
Surplus labour and the growth of the economy.
Surplus labour can be used instead of capital in the creation of new industrial investment projects, or it can be channeled into nascent industries, which are labour-intensive in their early stages.
Although labour is assumed to be in surplus, it is mainly unskilled.
But should there be a labor surplus and a modest capital, this bottleneck can be broken through the provision of training and education facilities.
Should there be surplus labour, agriculture will derive no productive use from it, so a transfer to a non agriculture sector will be of mutual benefit.
To start such a movement, the capitalist sector will have to pay a compensatory payment determined by the wage rate that people can earn outside their present sector, plus a set of other amounts includes the cost of living in the new sector and changes in the level of profits in the existing sector.
In the capitalist sector labor is employed up to the point where its marginal product equals wage, since a capitalist employer would be reducing his surplus if he paid labor more than he received for what is produced.
The total product labor ONPM is divided between the payments to labor in the form of wages, OWPM, and the capitalist surplus, NPW.