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प्लूटोक्रेट्स Meaning in English

प्लूटोक्रेट्स शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : plutocrats

प्लूटोक्रेट्स इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

He will cheer loudly when parsons, plutocrats and the aristocracy are being vilified, but let no one presume to hint at any shortcomings in himself.

To his detriment, Chesterton's fiction at this time seems to be unduly influenced by Belloc's Barnett quartet with its constant reference to all-powerful Jewish plutocrats [.

Remember, that this is a fight to the last ditch for the wage earner, against big interests, high taxes, bond issues and expensive parks and flowers along millionaire row, against big expenditures for the pleasure of a few smug plutocrats.

James meant this novel as an attack on the gigantic wealth of the Gilded Age plutocrats.

For the next thirty years aristocrats, plutocrats and famous stage personalities were frequent visitors - most as patients and friends.

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