प्रिडिंग Meaning in English
प्रिडिंग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : printing
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
छपाई का ब्लाकमुद्रण व्यवसाय
मुद्रण व्यापार
प्रिंटिंग कंपनी
मुद्रण चिंता
प्रिंटिंग हाउस
प्रिंटिंग इंक
प्रिंटिंग की स्याही
मुद्रण संस्ता का मालीक
छपाई की मशीन
छपाई मशीन
छापनेवाला यंत्र
प्रिटिंग मशीन
मुद्रण की गलती
मुद्रण कार्यालय
प्रिडिंग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Brigham was the editor-in-chief, and the journal was printed in the Utica State Hospital printing shop.
Twenty-five years later, as president, Chávez ordered the printing of millions of copies of his government's new Bolivarian Constitution—only in the form of miniature blue booklets, a partial tribute to Velasco's gift.
, which had refused to let Antic preview forthcoming announcements and even opposed the magazine printing the word "Atari" on its issues.
The small community is known for the quality of its liturgy, which is sung in Latin and Gregorian chant, its pipe organ, and its liturgical publishing and printing.
Near the northern station, Copilco, just outside Ciudad Universitaria, there are many printing shops running for some blocks, where students get their theses bound.
Both pigments were once used in printing ink formulations.
A few years later, they moved to Crawfordsville, Indiana, where the young Patterson found work in a printing office and with a watchmaker and jeweler.
Living people Snapfish is a web-based photo sharing and photo printing service owned by Shutterfly.
Under the terms of the sale, HP allowed the company to continue to use its printing services.
Snapfish: A web-based photo sharing and photo printing service that was acquired on January 8, 2020.
Self-printing publishers .
The literary tone of the book made it extremely successful; it went through eight printings in its first year.
A subsequent printing, subtitled Tourist's Edition, included maps of the region and train schedules from various Eastern cities to the Adirondacks.