छपाई का ब्लाक Meaning in English
छपाई का ब्लाक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : printing block
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प्रिंटिंग की स्याही
मुद्रण संस्ता का मालीक
छपाई की मशीन
छपाई मशीन
छापनेवाला यंत्र
प्रिटिंग मशीन
मुद्रण की गलती
मुद्रण कार्यालय
मुद्रण आपरेशन
छपाई-का-ब्लाक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
From 1923 to 1926, he produced his own English-named avant-garde magazine The Next Call, which, like other works of the period, included collage-like experimentation with typefaces, printing blocks and other printers' materials.
Japanese newspapers began in the 17th century as yomiuri (読売、literally "to read and sell") or kawaraban (瓦版, literally "tile-block printing" referring to the use of clay printing blocks), which were printed handbills sold in major cities to commemorate major social gatherings or events.
As Curzon tells it, Castaldi began with glass stamps made at Murano and eventually developed wooden printing blocks which he used in a printing press in Venice in 1426.